International Dewey Users Group 16 August 2011 IFLA San Juan WebDewey 2.0 Enhancements Libbie Crawford Dewey Product Manager Michael Panzer Assistant Editor, DDC OCLC
WebDewey 2.0 Design Goals Modern interface Support for search, browse, number building, and personalization Generic user interface script to allow use of more than one language version and connection to terminology sets Local controls (links to terminology sets, segmentation marks/instructions, connections to OPACs, etc.)
Enhancements New opening screen Fix for dead links in number-building instructions Expanded user interface preferences History of numbers Number-building assistance and support for user contribution
Web access to the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system How to subscribe Free trial Dewey Services HomeHome At a glance Overview Introduction Glossary Relocations & DiscontinuationsAt a glanceOverviewIntroductionGlossaryRelocations & Discontinuations © 2011 OCLC Domestic and international trademarks and/or service marks of OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. and its affiliates
History of Numbers Multi-year plan to provide detailed information about changes to the DDC First step is to expose history information contained in 685 fields Display details are still being finalized Example: Information theory
History of Numbers: Information theory (1)
History of Numbers: Information theory (2) $t Information theory $i formerly located in $b $d $2 20 $b $t Coding theory $i formerly located in $b $d $2 20 $b 519.4
History of Numbers: Information theory (3) Class History Information theory formerly located in , Edition 20 Coding theory formerly located in , Edition 20
Number-building assistance / Support for user contribution Interface will offer assistance to classifiers in following add notes and adding standard subdivisions Structured way of capturing user-generated content in the form of numbers built by users In the background, number bulding information will be captured in a machine-readable format (765 fields) Numbers can be saved for personal and institutional use; numbers can also be contributed as proposed numbers Numbers and associated terminology will be browsable and searchable, and displayed within the context of the DDC
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