SOCIALIZATION THROUGH GENDER AND LIFE COURSE There are not guided notes for this, but it is “short and sweet”… take your own notes. Information in pink and blue is important and fair game for test. There are not guided notes for this, but it is “short and sweet”… take your own notes. Information in pink and blue is important and fair game for test.
F.Y.I Sex= the state of being male or female biologically speaking. You are male or female. Gender= the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. “Being a man or a woman”
How gender socialization happens Yes, society does nudge us in a gender direction based on our sex. Starts from day one with parents. Mothers usually UNCONSIOUSLY reward females for being passive (calm) and dependent and reward males for being active and independent. Example: Girl rips head off of doll, parents worry/ correct the behavior. Boy rips head off of doll… “boys will be boys”
How does the mass media reinforce societies expectations of gender??? Let’s look at some ads and discuss their gender bias.
Socialization through the Life Course Socialization occurs throughout your whole life and occurs in different stages. Childhood (0-12) Adolescence (13-17) Young Adulthood (18-29) The Middle Years (30-65) The Older Years (65-death)
Thought for the day… “When you die, there are only two things written on your tombstone. The day you were born and the day that you died… the only thing that really matters is the line in between.”
Just making sure you are paying attention…
Childhood Socialized as tender and innocent. Like sponges… socialize based on what others say and do.
Adolescence Socially breaking out of shell. Some inner turmoil based on what adolescent wants to do vs. what society/parents what them to do. Time of great change… begin to “find place in society”
Young Adulthood Time of extreme optimism... “I can do anything!” Adult responsibilities slowly taken on.
Middle Years Separated into two periods… –Early Middle: socially focused on work and career. Involved in everything, family, etc. –Later Middle: socially very comfortable.
Older years Socially some become very active while others become reclusive. Bingo vs. reading at home alone. Some social devaluation… they don’t feel “needed by society” and may not feel comfortable socially.