Function of the Respiratory System Trap irritants / infectious particles Moistens and warms incoming air Breathing process Oversees gas exchanges Exchange O 2 Air to blood & Blood to cells Exchange CO 2 Cells to blood & Blood to air Exchange of gasses takes place within the lungs in the alveoli Enable speech production
Organs of the Respiratory system Nose Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi Lungs – alveoli
Upper Respiratory Tract
Anatomy of the Nasal Cavity Nose is primary passageway for air entering respiratory system Nasal septum : divides cavity into right & left halves The cavity is lined with respiratory mucosa Moistens air Traps incoming foreign particles Lateral walls have projections called conchae Increases surface area The nasal cavity is separated from the oral cavity by the palate Anterior hard palate (bone) Posterior soft palate (muscle)
Respiratory Tree Divisions Primary bronchus Secondary bronchus Tertiary bronchus Bronchiole Terminal bronchiole
Bronchioles & Alveoli Smallest branches of the bronchi Terminal bronchioles end in alveoli Structure of alveoli Alveolar duct Alveolar sac Alveolus