Family Engagement Network Meeting February 16, 2016 Parent Engagement Leadership Initiative Division of Educational Services Riverside County Office of Education
“Nothing is more important to success in schools than the quality of relationships between and among students, staff and parents.” Dr. James P. Comer
Examine the rationale for creating family friendly schools. Use a checklist to study your own campus site. Decide on one action that you would take to make your site more family friendly.
Recall a time when you went some place where you felt really welcome. Recall a time when the opposite was true. List the characteristics that made you feel welcome or unwelcome. Share.
“The sad fact is that in many instances parents don’t feel as if we welcome them in school.” (Geiger, 1994)
Answer yes or no to the following questions: _____ Are all families treated with respect by everyone at your school? _____ Are all families seen as a potential source of valuable expertise? _____ Do all staff take personal responsibility to engage families? _____ Do all staff believe that student performance can be improved with family engagement? _____ Is active family engagement met with enthusiasm by the entire staff?
What do you think makes a family friendly school? How can we demonstrate an attitude that says, “We believe all families are involved in their children’s education and want guidance in their efforts to support children’s learning”?
Attitude People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Behavior It’s not just what you do, but how you do it. Communication You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
A family friendly school has a positive climate that welcomes and encourages family involvement. Schools must reach diverse families of today and make contacts with meaningful, effective strategies which let parents know, “yes, you are welcome, and yes, we want you involved.” (Epstein, 1995)
Why do you think that some schools are not family friendly? Are there differences in grade levels as to the degree of family friendliness?
Welcoming parents into schools is more than a “feel good approach.” Family involvement benefits students and schools.
STUDENTS Higher grades. Better attendance and homework completion. More positive attitudes. Higher graduation rate. Greater enrollment in college. Improved teacher morale. Higher ratings of teachers by parents. More support from families. Better reputation in the community. SCHOOLS
Read paragraphs 6, 7, and 8. Determine which idea or example is most effective and why. How could you improve upon this idea?
Please complete the checklist for assessing your office environment. Determine what changes could be made to make your school more friendly. Use the Action Plan to develop a plan for improvement.
“Schools and families can no longer remain ‘separate but equal’ if they are to solve the complex problems facing children today. Schools must become family places where parents are involved in many aspects of school life. Homes, too, must become centers of learning for children and their parents. Working together, schools and families can create a partnership of support for children that recognizes and depends on the positive influences of each partner.” (Fleming, 1993)
Mimi Badura Certified Parent Liaison Parent Engagement Leadership Initiative Division of Educational Services Riverside County Office of Education (951) Ellen Larson Certified Parent Liaison Parent Engagement Leadership Initiative Division of Educational Services Riverside County Office of Education (951)