Curriculum Mapping EDL Margaret Ardito Darcy Campbell Noel Heimer
WHAT IS IT? WHY IS IT NEEDED? Documents how the curriculum is linked to State Standards and school learning outcomes for students. Allows teachers to check curriculum for overlaps, gaps, or inconsistencies. Helps to identify opportunities for integration with other subjects Provides a review of assessment methods and resources. Identifies what students are learning and allows teachers to build upon prior knowledge.
Curriculum maps can be aligned both horizontally and vertically, organizing content, skills, assessments, and resources over time. A curriculum map can also serve as a tool for collecting data about the implemented curriculum in a school and in a district—the instruction that students are experiencing. By mapping what's actually taught and when it's taught, teachers produce data that can be used with assessment data to make modifications in instruction (Educational Leadership, December 2003/January 2004).
Strategic Leadership Interpretation of data? Strategic Plan…development Create a committee…Curriculum mapping Team… Collect data Conduct a needs assessment
Instructional Leadership Curriculum, Instruction, Supervision, Learning Environment PD and Human Resources Student Personnel
Organizational Leadership Organizational Management & Interpersonal relations Financial management & Resource allocation “Technology can provide a hub that links all the components of curriculum, assessment and instruction in the schools, those connections can be strengthened and better analyzed to build student learning over time.”
Political and Community Leadership Community and Media Relations Ed Law, public Policy, Political systems