To RAD or not to RAD? RAD is the relatively new kid on the block. You know the one. The one with all the flashy stuff and is practically the Usain Bolt at getting things done quickly. RAD or better know as the Rapid Application Design methodology was created to respond to the need of delivering systems really fast. And I mean really fast. RAD is easily the quickest type of development. The projects size, scope and circumference can heavily determine whether or not if RAD is the right method to use. For example RAD could be the right method to use if the project scope is narrow as it means you already has a very good idea of what you want to make
When should you choose RAD? The projects size, scope and circumference can heavily determine whether or not if RAD is the right method to use. For example RAD could be the right method to use if the project scope is narrow as it means you already has a very good idea of what you want to make. Other Variables that can effect if you use RAD or not are Project data Project decisions Project team Project technical architecture
Why is RAD fast ? When you breakdown the RADs structure you can see how it has speed in its blood. But why? I hear you ask. RAD has a set of management techniques that make sure that this method is as quick as possible. These include Prototyping- this is an important stage because with RAD you want to make the prototype as quickly as possible and then refine quickly over and over until you have what you want but there are dangers in starting it too early so a balance is needed to be found time management strategy that allocates a Iteration- is a commitment to incremental development based on refinement. This goes hand in hand with prototyping Time boxing- this is a time management strategy that allocates a set amount of time to each part of the process and for RAD to work these time schedules must be followed religiously.
RAD diagrams
Advantages of RAD Reduced development time. Increases reusability of components Quick initial reviews occur Encourages customer feedback Integration from very beginning solves a lot of integration issues.
Disadvantages of RAD Depends on strong team and individual performances for identifying business requirements. Only system that can be modularized can be built using RAD Requires highly skilled developers/designers. High dependency on modelling skills Inapplicable to cheaper projects as cost of modelling and automated code generation is very high.
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