Are You Smarter Than a 2 nd Grader?
Social Studies
This symbol helps you find what on a map? A directions B symbols C title D map legend
A list of shapes or symbols on a map is called the: A title B map legend C compass rose D date
Map Legend
If you don’t know what a symbol means on a map, you should look at the: A title B compass rose C dictionary D map legend
Map Legend
North, South East and West are called: A symbols B simple maps C cardinal directions D map legends
Cardinal Directions
A drawing of your classroom is called a: A globe B photograph C map D scale
Which picture would be the best to show an airport on a map? A B C D
Which form of transportation was important to the Sioux Indians? A canoe B foot C car D horse
What type of transportation was used by the Powhatan, Pueblo and Sioux Indians? A canoe B foot C car D horse
Which 2 First American tribes were farmers? A Sioux and Powhatan B Powhatan and Pueblo C Pueblo and Sioux D Cherokee and Pueblo
Powhatan and Pueblo
What was important for the Sioux Indians’ survival? A ship building B fishing C hunting buffalo D bear hunting
Hunting buffalo
Which group of American Indians lived in multi-storied terraced buildings? A Powhatan B Sioux C Pueblo D Cherokee
Select the letter to show which region the Pueblo Indians lived. A B C D
Pueblo Indians lived in region C
Which region has plains, prairies and rolling hills? A B C D
Prairies, Plains and Rolling Hills is Region B
Select the letter to show the Eastern Woodland region. A B C D
Eastern Woodland is Region A
Which region’s climate has hot days, cold nights, and little rainfall? A B C D
Region C has hot days, cold nights, and little rainfall.
Forests and a variety of plant life would be found in _________.
Forests and a variety of plant life would be found in Region A.
Are You Smarter Than a 2 nd Grader?