Pre-Travel Session #2 Thursday, January 28, 2016
Atención! Apaguen los celulares!!!!
Agenda Sign In Medical Forms/Alcohol Policy/School Board Policies Verify Emergency Contact Information On EF site Rooming- roommates are NOT guaranteed!!!! Dietary Needs/Allergies Packing Currency Conversions – math problems and shopping Temperature (10-31) & Distance Conversions ‘BUSCACHAPERONES’ Research Topics – break into chaperone groups Journals
1 Euro = $1.38 15 Euros 28 Euros 13 Euros
Packing – don’t over pack!! You will be carrying your own luggage You will pay extra for extra weight You are allowed one carry on bag (provided by EF) and one other bag no taller than 25”
ResearchTime Meet with mentor and commit to a topic Write it on sheet please!
What is the scariest thing that could happen to you on the trip? What are you concerned about? What are you excited about?