CoastView Meeting, Lisbon 09/ Highlights from the August 2004 Argus Workshop Corvallis, Oregon Kenneth Kingston
CoastView Meeting, Lisbon 09/ Argus Workshop 2004: Overview Kenneth Kingston Interesting, stimulating combination of science, nerdy stuff and general collaboration AutoGeom Database VISSER Hardware Science
CoastView Meeting, Lisbon 09/ Argus Workshop 2004: Attendees Kenneth Kingston Representatives from … North America, Australia New Zealand, Europe
CoastView Meeting, Lisbon 09/ Argus Workshop 2004: AutoGeom motivation Kenneth Kingston Evolution of Argus requirements Geometries … how good are they, how good do they need to be? Sub-pixel accuracy/stability
CoastView Meeting, Lisbon 09/ Argus Workshop 2004: AutoGeom Kenneth Kingston
CoastView Meeting, Lisbon 09/ Argus Workshop 2004: AutoGeom, templates Kenneth Kingston Contrast Lighting
CoastView Meeting, Lisbon 09/ Argus Workshop 2004: AutoGeom Kenneth Kingston Generate a base geometry Determine movement in subsequent images via correlation of the templates. Apply the approach for each Timex image Currently testing the system for Teignmouth, Egmond Future incorporation into the Argus Runtime Environment
CoastView Meeting, Lisbon 09/ Argus Workshop 2004: Database Kenneth Kingston Database in a state of flux … as always Increased demand on system resources, due to increasingly large number of incorporated data structures Uniformity of database implementation and interrogation
CoastView Meeting, Lisbon 09/ Argus Workshop 2004: Database Kenneth Kingston Nathaniel Plant / John Stanley investigating a Java implementation of the database … Ozone database … implementation Java based … interrogation Transparent to most users, run seamlessly on any platform
CoastView Meeting, Lisbon 09/ Argus Workshop 2004: VISSER Kenneth Kingston Automated implementation of pixel based routines Wave characteristics Shoreline characteristics Web based implementation Todd Holland, NRL, US
CoastView Meeting, Lisbon 09/ Argus Workshop 2004: VISSER Kenneth Kingston If you want to embed your site within the VISSER system you need to … setup routine collections of appropriate pixel collections Talk to Stefan about implementation (issues related to sharing image archives etc.)
CoastView Meeting, Lisbon 09/ Argus Workshop 2004: Hardware Kenneth Kingston Argus III New cameras … Micropix In the far distant future in a galaxy far away … the intelligent Argus camera … Rob investigating collaboration with Intel
CoastView Meeting, Lisbon 09/ Argus Workshop 2004: Science Bits & Bobs Kenneth Kingston Homogeneous coordinates Radiation stress gradients Spectral reflectivity Shadow techniques Foreshore stereo Runup statistics
CoastView Meeting, Lisbon 09/ Argus Workshop 2004: Closing comments Kenneth Kingston Importance of ‘gentleman’s agreement’ within the Argus community … ensured smooth operation and communication between members Argus returns to the States Argus lives