OHIO RADIOGRAPHY EVENTS Michael Snee, Chief Bureau of Radiation Protection 1
2 Two significant radiography events occurred in Ohio within a few weeks. Both events resulted in enforcement actions. We also reached out to all radiography licensees in Ohio concerning the events.
Event 1 On March 21 ODH was informed of an event at a temporary jobsite in Aberdeen, Ohio. A stand had fallen on and crimped the guide tube with the source extended. RSO was called and source retrieval operations were successful without incident. 3
Event 1 On March 24, the RSO reported that the radiographer involved in the event was not wearing and did not have a direct reading dosimeter or a personnel dosimeter. This was confirmed during a March 25 on-site inspection. 4
Event 1 April 2 – Notice of Violation issued. April 25 – Administrative Penalty of $10,000 issued ($ an additional 100% of penalty for a flagrant & reckless violation). 5
Event 1 Licensee appealed the Administrative Penalty. They believed that the radiographer acted independently and that the company should not be penalized. The appeal was later rescinded and the penalty was paid. 6
Event 2 On April 9 ODH was informed that a radiographer received an overexposure at a temporary jobsite in Marietta, Ohio. Initial estimates were 15 rem whole body and rem to the hand. 7
Event 2 Inspection conducted on April 10. Based on the investigation and reenactments the whole body dose was reduced to 13 rem and an extremity dose of 6.5 rem. 8
Event 2 The inspection revealed: That the radiographer’s alarming rate meter was not functional due to a dead battery. The radiographer’s survey instrument was not functional and had not been checked that day. 9
Event 2 REAC was called and the radiographer received medical attention. No adverse medical symptoms have been observed. 10
Event 2 April 29 – Notice of Violation issued. Licensee ordered to present their corrective actions at a meeting at the ODH offices in Columbus. May 13 – Administrative Penalty of $20,000 issued. 11
Event 2 June 2 – Meeting held in Columbus with licensee to discuss incident and corrective actions. 12
ODH Information Notice 13
ODH Information Notice There is no acceptable excuse for any situation in which radiography personnel are not wearing and/or using their assigned personal dosimetry, including alarming rate meters. The same applies to the use of calibrated and operable survey meters. The requirement for use of these devices is to ensure the safety of licensee personnel. Had those items been properly used, operable, and monitored during the radiographic operations discussed in the event notices, the over exposures reported probably would not have occurred. 14
ODH Information Notice The Information Notice was sent to 18 Ohio licensees and 10 licensees operating in Ohio under reciprocity. (PA-5, NRC-3, NY-1, SC-1) Required training on the Information Notice and OAC Chapter 3701:1-48 (equivalent to 10 CFR 34) within 45 days. Documentation of the training sent to ODH within 60 days. 15
Questions? 17