Chapter 15 Section 1 1. Tensions between the North and the South North More industry Rapid growth Canals and railroads helped development South A few wealthy planters ran society Most $ came from trade Cotton BIG Even poor whites supported slavery
Chapter 15 Section 1 2. Antislavery and Racism A. Abolitionists B. Other Northerners opposed slavery-it was a threat C. Many people, even in the North were racists
Chapter 15 Section 1 3. Wilmot Proviso A. Never became a law B. Outlawed slavery for any territory that was acquired from the war with Mexico C. North liked it D. South hated it
Chapter 15 Section 1 4. Controversy over the territories A. California wants to be admitted as a free state B. This upsets the balance between free and slave states
Chapter 15 Section 1 5. Compromise of 1850 by Henry Clay A. California is admitted as a free state B. No Slave trade in Washington DC C. Strict laws to get back runaway slaves (Fugitive Slave Act) D. No more laws restricting slavery in the lands won from Mexico