SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY Umbrella for many different theories, approaches -Hullian line: focus on drive, motivation -Tolman line: focus on spatial learning, cognitive maps -Thorndike line: focus on environmental contingencies -Pavlov, Watson line: focus on classical conditioning Social learning models are hybrids: -Combined with psychoanalysis, cognitive theories, Lewin -Share idea that learning plays a major role in development
Gewirtz & Bandura represent split in current views Gewirtz: Skinnerian behavior analysis approach -Central role of reinforcement -Rejection of cognitive-motivational explanation -responsiveness to and active engagement with environmental stimulation is a fundamental property of living organisms Bandura: Cognitive-behavioral approach -Learning by vicarious, self, or absent reinforcement -Cognitive-motivational constructs central
Shared ideas: -Focus on antecedent-consequent processes -Methodological behaviorism -Reciprocal determinism -Focus on prediction, control of individual behavior -Biology may constrain or afford learning -but biological determinism promotes caste structure antithetical to notions of human adaptability, ability to profit from experience (ex. attachment as trait)