Cydney Emery, Hailey McBride, Quyen Phan, Fischer Lewis
Case study A privately owned art gallery features the work of a local artist each month.. This month an artist is to be featured with art containing nudity. As members of the art advisory board it was our responsibility to come up with a solution that would solve the difference of opinions.
Our question “How can we best satisfy the opinions of all members of the advisory board, the artists in the community, and the populace of viewers?”
Problematic Symptoms Allowing time to new artists (keeping the art gallery open to new, unique work). Keeping to tradition while catering to innovation in the art community (realizing art is expression – everyone has a different perspective. Respect values of all customers/board members (difficult to respect everyone’s opinions) while bringing in new and interesting art and appeasing the artists of the community. Hard to keep everyone happy/have to try not to offend anyone. Positives of CompromiseDifficulties of Compromise
Stakeholders The Board Members Art has to represent their values and the values of the community. Has to follow rules and regulations. Goal: Show different artists work while keeping viewers interested (Respect artists and viewers/customers).
Customers and Viewing Public Art shouldn’t offend Board should give fair warning and educate the people Goal: Want to see a variety of work, but be informed, beforehand, as to the contents of the art. Artists Shouldn’t feel restricted Their art should be represented in the want they want Goal: To have their work portrayed in an appropriate way that is aesthetic to their wishes.
History Separate exhibit for nudity. (certain days, certain hours) Has worked in the past. Policies/Politics Because it is privately owned board the owner and members of the board decide what is appropriate. Recourses Asked actual art gallery’s representatives their gallery’s regulations and policies. Online sources (online art galleries, art blogs). Written
Our Criteria Apply principles of effective communication that we are learning in the class. Be achievable within our four week time frame. Cost less than $20 – free or cheap public and private galleries. Effectively accommodate values of artists, gallery owners, and customers. Accommodate for people that are both for/against the nude art. Flexible to artists work (but excluding explicit material). Abide by state/federal Regulations – age requirement, pamphlet, permission. Keeps line of communication open between all stakeholders. Timely (Solution can be implemented quickly and efficiently. Respects and prioritizes the opinions of all stakeholders.
Solutions Solution (1)- Have separate rooms for artists with nude art to be viewed on specific days and/or during specific times. An age requirement or permission slip rule will be put in place. The public will be educated/informed beforehand (perhaps by pamphlet). The artist should represent the art in the most positive and enlightening way.
Solution (3)- Create an educational class on the historical prevalence of nude art in order to inform the populace before showing the nude art. Solution (6)- Create a gallery that is only for artists with nude/body artwork. The board will approve and the viewing public will only attend the gallery if they also approve.