(281) General Housekeeping Homework Time Tracker Behavior Card Student I.D. Tags Tuesday Folder Make Up Work Conferences Transportation Toys Lunch Medication Birthdays
What comes home everyday? The Conduct Card, Planner, and Take Home Folder go home daily. Please initial your child’s conduct card daily.
*Reading log and word study are assigned on Monday and due Friday. *Math is assigned on Monday and due Friday *Other assignments as needed
(281) Time Tracker *Please check and initial your child’s tracker each week. *Homework and other important information will be written there.
(281) Behavior Card *This will be kept in your child’s homework folder. *Parents are asked to sign and return the behavior card daily. *A lost card results in an automatic ‘N’ on the report card.
(281) Student I.D. Tags *Students must wear their tags every day on a school lanyard *A lost ID is $2 and a lost lanyard is $1.
(281) Tuesday Folder *Graded papers will be sent home on Tuesdays. *Parents are asked to look at the papers with their children and sign the log. *Some papers will request a signature, and we ask that these papers be returned the following day. * All other papers should be kept at home
(281) Make Up Work *Make-up work will be provided to students who have been absent. *Students have one day for each day they were absent to make up the work after they return to school.
(281) Transportation Home *If your child will be going home a different way than usual, please send a note with your child in the morning. s & phone calls to the teacher are no longer acceptable. *We are not allowed to let a student change his/her way home without written permission. *If your child is a walker or bike rider, please make sure you have told your child’s teacher how you want your child to go home when a “rainy day” plan is called.
(281) Conferences *Parent-Teacher conferences will be held during the first semester. *If you wish to schedule a conference at any other time, please leave a message for your child’s teacher by calling the school. *We respectfully request that conferences be scheduled in advance. We will not be able to hold conferences on a drop in basis. *If you would prefer, we will also be holding telephone conferences this year.
(281) Toys *Students should not bring any type of toys or recess equipment to school. We do not want these items to be lost or damaged. *Cell phones must be in backpacks and turned off during school hours. *Confiscated phones will be turned into the office for parent pick up.
(281) Lunch *Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their children in the cafeteria. Cell phone use is no longer allowed in the cafeteria. *Parents are asked to sign in at the front office and get a visitor’s sticker. *Check with your child’s teacher if you are unsure of their lunchtime. *You can pre-pay for your child’s lunches in the cafeteria or on-line. Please make sure that you put money in an envelope and label it with your child’s name and teacher *Parents may not provide food for any child other than their own
(281) Medications *All medication, including cough drops, should be sent to school in its original container accompanied by a note from the parent.
(281) Birthdays *Parents may provide cupcakes or cookies for their child’s class to enjoy after lunch. *Please check with your child’s teacher regarding possible food allergies. *Party invitations are not to be passed out at school.
Language Arts Reader’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Word Work Math Science Social Studies Our Curriculum
8:00-8:30 8:30-9:20 9:20-11:15 11:15-12:00 12:10-12:40 12:50-1:10 1:15-3:00 3:00-3:20 3:20-3:30 Unpack/Announcements Specials Block #1 Extended Learning Lunch Recess Block #2 Homeroom Pack Up
Reading Poetry fiction Nonfiction Reader’s Workshop Language Correct formation of a sentence Grammar- nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs ( Multisensory grammar) Word Work Writing ( Fiction/ nonfiction) Handwriting
Teaches skills and strategies that are necessary for all readers Gives students the time to read “just right” books to practice strategies Provides time for one-on-one and small group teaching
Mini-lesson - teacher teaches a short lesson on a reading skill Independent Reading- students practice the reading skill Share- students share how they used the reading skill in their reading that day
*Students read books on their level, not too hard and not too easy *Students are taught reading skills that are appropriate for their state of reading development
Instruction is differentiated through: Reading Conferences- teachers teach one student a reading skill that meets the student’s needs Guided Reading/Strategy Lessons Teachers teach a small group of students reading skills that meet the needs of the group
Mini-lesson- teacher teaches a short lesson on a writing skill *Independent Writing- students practice the writing skill from the leson *Share- students share their writing with the class
Teaches students patterns that words follow For example if we are studying the “ow” pattern you might see the following words. Cow How Wow Clown
Short Vowels Review Short a: hat, brat Short e: met, yet Short i: quit, split Short o: not, spot Short u: strut, but er: her,germ th/ch: this/much sh/ck: ship/ duck 1 st Nine Weeks
Common Vowel Patterns (ai/ay, ight) Prefixes (un-, dis-, re-) Suffixes (-ly, -less) Looking Ahead
Graphing: pictographs and bar graphs Numeracy up to 500 Place Value up to 500 Odd and Even numbers Compare and Order numbers +10/-10, +100/ st Nine Weeks
Fact Fluency: Addition and Subtraction to 20 Money: Coin recognition, counting money Time: Reading clocks to the 5 minute interval Addition and Subtraction: Two and Three Digit- with regrouping Geometry: 2D & 3D shapes Measurements: inches, centimeters Fractions: ½, ¼ Numeracy: up to 1,200 (revolving topic) Looking ahead
The New “Fast Facts” Why? To help students develop fluency and automaticity of basic facts What will it look like? Meaningful practice Students will have a variety of practice opportunities (games, activities, and connections to literature) that will cover the facts learned in class Fact Checks Cover a specific strategy learned in the classroom Used to guide instruction (not a grade) End of 9-weeks Assessment Will cover all of the facts learned in that 9 weeks Grade in Gradebook Fact Fluency
Healthy habits- Preventing the spread of germs Body systems- circulatory, respiratory, and nervous systems Patterns & Cycles- Moon Phases Water Cycle 1 st Nine Weeks
Biology Plants and animals Physics Sound, force, and movement Earth science The sun, moon, and stars Climate Data collection using… Rulers, measuring cups, timers, hand lens, thermometers, balances, computers Looking Ahead
Citizenship: Identifying ways to be a good citizen Communities: Rural, Suburban, Urban Map Skills: Compass rose, cardinal directions World Geography: 5 oceans, 7 continents National Holidays: Columbus Day, Thanksgiving 1 st Nine Weeks
Physical Geography Government U.S. Symbols Economics Historical Figures Inventors and Inventions Looking Ahead
By working together, we can assure each child’s success. It will be a fabulous year! Thanks for coming!