Chapter 9 Employee Development.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 9 Employee Development

Objectives Discuss current trends in using formal education for development purposes. Relate how assessment of personality type, work behaviors, and job performance can be used for employee development. Describe the benefits that protégés and mentors receive from a mentoring relationship. Explain the characteristics of successful mentoring programs. Tell how job experiences can be used for skill development. Explain how to train managers to coach employees. Describe the steps in the development planning process.

Four Approaches to Development Formal Education Programs Assessment Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Assessment Center Benchmarks Performance appraisal Upward feedback 360-degree feedback

360-Degree Feedback Raters include self, boss, direct reports, peers, customers Report includes comparison between self and other ratings Feedback identifies discrepancies Results used to identify developmental goals and plans Manager encouraged to discuss results with rater group

360-Dregree Feedback:Development Planning Activities Understand Strengths and Weaknesses Review ratings Identify agreement and disagreement between self and “other” ratings Agreement poor and agreement good Disagreement good (lack confidence) Disagreement Poor (blind spot) Identify a Development Goal

Development Planning Using 360-Degree feedback (con’t) Identify Process for Recognizing Goal Accomplishment Identify Strategies for Reaching Goal Courses, readings, experiences, mentor Feedback and reinforcement

Four Approaches to Development (con’t.) 3. Job Experiences Job Enlargement Job Rotation Transfers Promotions Downward Moves

Development Through Job Experiences Assume that employees develop when faced with challenging situations Assume challenging situations stimulate development because they provide the opportunity and motivation to learn Extent of challenge experience and skills, task-related job features, work context Job experiences not promotions

Four Approaches to Development (con’t.) 4. Interpersonal Relationships Mentoring Coaching

What is Mentor ? Experienced productive employee who helps to develop a less experienced employee Group Mentoring Experienced employee with 4-6 less experienced employees Learning assignments

What types of Development Might a Mentor Provide? Socialization Transfer of training Provide visibility / break into circle of influence Special Assignments Ease transition from geographic relocation

Pitfalls to Mentoring Relationships Unrealistic expectations Problems with managers Resentment from non-participants Poor Matches Lack of commitment

Potential Benefits Mentee (Protégé) Exposure and visibility, exposure to network Sponsorship Coaching Advice Role Model, Friendship Job Experiences Identify resources and resource persons

Potential Benefits (con’t) Mentor Recognition Expanded knowledge of organizational isues Increased personal satisfaction Improved interpersonal and problem-solving skill Greater power base

Misconceptions About Mentoring Only the junior person benefits Always a positive experience Programs are the same in all work settings Mentors are available to all employees Mentoring is the key to individual growth and development

Characteristics of a Successful Mentoring Program Relationships can be ended at any time without fear of punishment Matching process does not limit the ability of informal relationships to develop Mentors are chosen on the basis of their past record in developing employees, willingness, evidence of coaching, communications, and listening skills

Characteristics of Successful Program (con’t) Program purpose is clearly specified. Projects and activities are identified Length of program is specified Relationships can continue beyond the specified time Minimum level of contact is specified Mentees are encouraged to network with each other

Characteristics of Successful Program (con’t) Development is rewarded The program is evaluted Interviews surveys

Steps in the Development Planning Process Opportunity Goal identification Criteria Actions Timeline