Querying XML, Part II Zachary G. Ives University of Pennsylvania CIS 455 / 555 – Internet and Web Systems February 5, 2008
2 Today Two languages building upon XPath: XSLT XQuery Reminder: Assignment 1 milestone 2 due Feb. 12th Readings for next time: DNS, Sections
3 Users of XPath XML Schema uses simple XPaths in defining keys and uniqueness constraints XLink and XPointer, hyperlinks for XML XSLT – useful for converting from XML to other representations (e.g., HTML, PDF, SVG) XQuery – useful for restructuring an XML document or combining multiple documents
4 XSLT: Transforming an XML Document XSLT: XML Stylesheet Language Transformations Companion to XSL:FO, formatting for XML A language for substituting structured fragments for XML content Transforms single document single document Useful for XML XML conversions, XML HTML Runs on server side (Apache Cocoon) or client-side (modern browsers)
5 A Functional Language for XML XSLT is based on a series of templates that match different parts of an XML document There’s a policy for what rule or template is applied if more than one matches (it’s not what you’d think!) XSLT templates can invoke other templates XSLT templates can be nonterminating (beware!) XSLT templates are based on XPath “match”es, and we can also apply other templates (potentially to “select”ed XPaths) Within each template, directly describe what should be output
6 An XSLT Template An XML document itself XML tags create output OR are XSL operations All XSL tags are prefixed with “xsl” namespace All non-XSL tags are part of the XML output Common XSL operations: template with a match XPath Recursive call to apply-templates, which may also select where it should be applied Attach to XML document with a processing-instruction:
7 An Example XSLT Stylesheet This is DBLP …
8 XSLT Processing Model List of source nodes result tree fragment(s) Start with root Find all template rules with matching patterns from root Find “best” match according to some heuristics Set the current node list to be the set of things it maches Iterate over each node in the current node list Apply the operations of the template “Append” the results of the matching template rule to the result tree structure Repeat recursively if specified to by apply-templates
9 What If There’s More than One Match? Eliminate rules of lower precedence due to importing Break a rule into any | branches and consider separately Choose rule with highest computed or specified priority Simple rules for computing priority based on “precision”: QName preceded by XPath child/axis specifier: priority 0 NCName preceded by child/axis specifier: priority NodeTest preceded by child/axis specifier: pririty -0.5 else priority 0.5
10 Other Common Operations Iteration: Conditionals: Copying current node and children to the result set:
11 Creating Output Nodes Return text/attribute data (this is a default rule): Create an element from text (attribute is similar): Copy nodes matching a path
12 Embedding Stylesheets You can “import” or “include” one stylesheet from another: “Include”: the rules get same precedence as in including template “Import”: the rules are given lower precedence
13 XSLT Summary A very powerful, template-based transformation language for XML document other structured document Commonly used to convert XML PDF, SVG, GraphViz DOT format, HTML, WML, … Primarily useful for presentation of XML or for very simple conversions But sometimes we need more complex operations when converting data from one source to another Joins – combining and correlating information from multiple sources Aggregation – computing averages, counts, etc.
14 Why XSLT Isn’t Enough XSLT is focused on reformatting documents Stylesheets are focused around one XML file XML file must reference the stylesheet What if we want to: Manage and combine collections of XML documents? Make Web service requests for XML? “Glue together” different Web service requests? Query for keywords within documents, with ranked answers This is where XQuery plays a role
15 XQuery’s Basic Form The model: bind nodes (or node sets) to variables; operate over each legal combination of bindings; produce a set of nodes “FLWOR” statement pattern: for {iterators that bind variables} let {collections} where {conditions} order by {order-conditions} return {output constructor}
16 Inputs in XQuery In XPath, we can only ask for one thing Predicates, in [brackets], can “branch”, but we can’t ask for an item and its name In XQuery, we solve this by introducing variable bindings We can name different parts of the tree (based on XPaths) We can express XPaths relative to named XPaths
17 “Iterations” in XQuery A series of (possibly nested) FOR statements assigning the results of XPaths to variables Something like a template that pattern-matches, produces a tuple of bindings For each of these, we evaluate the WHERE and possibly output the RETURN template document() or doc() function specifies an input file as a URI $dRoot$rtEl$conf (root) <conf key=“2”… for $dRoot in doc (“ for $rtEl in $dRoot/dblp, $conf in $rtEl/conf, …
18 Example XML Data Root ?xml dblp mastersthesis inproceedings mdate key authortitleyear school authortitle year crossref ee mdate key 2002… ms/Brown92 Kurt Brown PRPL… 1992 wisc conf/sigm../ Paul R. On… sigmod www… university name key wisc Wisconsin country USA
19 An XQuery Example for $i in doc (“dblp.xml”)/dblp/inproceedings [author/text() = “Paul R.”] return { $i/title/text() } { } { $i/crossref/text() }
20 Recall the Relational Join Operator Two sets of items (e.g., tables) with attributes We want to combine + correlate info across tables, based on matching the sid attributes Join STUDENT with EnrolledIn, where STUDENT.sid = EnrolledIn.SID sidname 1Jill 2Qun 3Nitin 4Martha sidcourse 2380-f f s s06 4 STUDENT EnrolledIn
21 How Might This Extend to XQuery? for $i in doc (“dblp.xml”)/dblp/inproceedings, $r in $i/crossref/text(), $c in doc (“dblp.xml”)/dblp/conf, $n in where ___________ return { $i, $c }