Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Faculty of the Environment Ústí nad Labem, Králova výšina 7, Czech Republic
Jan Evangelista Purkyně ( гг.), Born in Libochovice town, Czech Republic He was one of the founders of biology, embryology, histology, pharmacology, anatomy, anthropology and he was famous in physiology
„Ústecký kraj“ region – strategic location „ Ústecký kraj“ region is situated on connection of 2 European urban areas: Praha and suburban Saxon triangle-Dresden, Leipzig and Chemnitz „Development axis“ Berlin – Vienna
History of University 1991 foundation with 3 Faculties: - College of Education - Socio-economic Faculty - Faculty of Environment and 2 Institutes -Institute Slavic languages and German language -Institute of Roma culture
Present time University has 7 faculties: Socio-economic Faculty Faculty of Art and Design Faculty of Production and Management Faculty of Environment Faculty of Philosophy College of Education Faculty of Science and 1 Institute Institute of Health studies
UJEP data 63 study programmes 185 specializations students 900 academic staff UJEP is also scientific, cultural and students centre of Usti region
UJEP study programmes Bachelor - 3 years study programmes – Bc. Master – 2 years study programmes – Ing., Mgr. Doctoral – mostly 3 years study programmes if you do present study) – Ph.D
Faculty of Environment Department of Social and economical Sciences Department of Nature Sciences Department of Chemistry and technology Department Geographical Information Systems Bc., Mgr.(Ing.) and Ph.D. – study programmes
International projects NEPTUN Leonardo da Vinci – water management ENvironmental WAter MAnagement Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Ziel 3: Green Network Ore mountains - Grünes Netzwerk Erzgebirge
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