THESAURUS MUSICARUM GERMANICARUM A multidisciplinary edition project on German music-theoretical sources of the period 1500-1650.


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Presentation transcript:

THESAURUS MUSICARUM GERMANICARUM A multidisciplinary edition project on German music-theoretical sources of the period

1. Funding, Collaboration and Working stages  Funding scheme : Promouvoir l’excellence de la Recherche à Sorbonne Universités (PERSU)  Excellence Initiative (IDEX) supported by the French Government through the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (project number: ANR-11-IDEX )  Part of the program Investissements d’avenir  First funding period: June 2015 – April 2016 (11 months)  Main aim: Promote the development of interdisciplinary and international research projects

1. Funding, Collaboration and Working stages General workflow

1. Funding, Collaboration and Working stages 1.1. Digitization

1.2. Transcription 1. Funding, Collaboration and Working stages Praetorius (1619), p. 51.

1.3. Markup enrichment 1. Funding, Collaboration and Working stages

1.4. Bio-bibliographical notes and tools for scientific investigation 1. Funding, Collaboration and Working stages

1.5. Database and online access 1. Funding, Collaboration and Working stages