Assessment of Oral Language Chapter Twelve
CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The difference between speech and language Language processes Assessment of speech and language Assessment measures of oral language UNDERSTAND
SPEECH The physical process of making the sounds and sound combinations of a language.
LANGUAGE The system according to which people agree to talk about or represent environmental events. The language system consists of words and word combinations.
LANGUAGE DOMAINS Nonverbal language Oral language Written language Pragmatic language Phonology Audiology
LANGUAGE PROCESSES 1. FORM Phonology Morphology Syntax 2. Content 3. Use
Assessment of Speech and Language
Speech Disorder A child with a speech disorder may have difficulties with any of the following: Producing sounds properly Speaking in a normal flow Speaking with a normal rhythm Using his or her voice in an effective way
Language Disorder A child with a language disorder may exhibit the following: Difficulty in comprehending questions and following commands (receptive language) Difficulty in communicating ideas and thoughts (expressive language)
LANGUAGE MILESTONES Birth to 6 Months 6 to 12 Months 12 to 18 Months 18 to 24 Months 2 to 3 Years 3 to 4 Years 4 to 5 Years
ORAL LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT MEASURES Peabody Pictures Vocabulary Test-3 (PPVT-III) Test of Auditory Comprehension of Language- III (TACL-3) Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation Boehm Test of Basic Concepts- Revised (BTBC-R) Comprehensive Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test (CREVT)
ORAL LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT MEASURES Test of Adolescent and Adult Language- Third Edition (TOAL-3) Test of Early Language Development- Third Edition (TELD-3) Photo Articulation Test- Third Edition (PAT-3) Test of Language Development- Primary: 3 (TOLD-P:3)
CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The difference between speech and language Language processes Assessment of speech and language Assessment measures of oral language UNDERSTAND