3 rd grade Week 27 Robust Vocabulary
Justice If you treat others fairly, you are showing justice. If you win by cheating you are not showing justice. The judge sent the criminal to jail to give the victims justice.
Task When you finish your work, you have completed a task. Sharpening my pencil is a task I do everyday. Climbing a mountain is a hard task.
Elaborate If many details decorate something, it is elaborate. It took a long time to paint the elaborate painting. She wore an elaborate dress to the party.
Inventive A person who creates or solves something in a new way is inventive. My school project won the science fair because it was very inventive. The inventive car design is made for people in wheelchairs.
Prey Prey is an animal that is hunted for food. A spider spins its web to catch its prey. The owl hunts for its prey at night.
Shallow Something shallow is not very deep. I jumped into the shallow puddle and got wet. The stream was shallow so it was easy to cross.
Reels A person reels something in by winding up a line attached to it. The boy reels in a big fish. The farmer reels in the stray calf with her rope.
Strands Long, thin pieces of something are called strands. The strands of yard were woven into a beautiful rug. Stands of her hair were stuck with gum.
Social A social animal is one that lives in a group with other animals of the same kind. I am comfortable being social with my friends on the playground. Elephants live in social groups called herds.
Spiral A spiral shape curls around and around in a circle. The spiral staircase was narrow. She has spiral curls in her hair.