“Your Ideas, Your Initiatives” Road safety Syktyvkar, Russia, 2015
We are the 8 th form pupils of school №12.
Our school is situated in the center of the town. Every day our pupils should cross the road in a safe place. Unfortunately every year some pupils of our school become accident participants.
The survey among the pupils of primary school.
356 primary school pupils at the age from 7 to 11 took part in the survey. O 7% cross the road when the signal is red O 70% don’t cross the road on pedestrian crossing O 33% don’t wear seatbelts in the cars
Posters about road safety and rules for drivers, passengers and pedestrians.
The play for primary school pupils.
The “pedestrian crossing ” in one of the corridors of our school.
We hope we managed to make the pupils think of road safety every day.
O Denisova Victoria O Lobanova Natalia O Mahatadze Valeria O Milevsky Aleksey O Parhachova Maria O Savchenkova Maria O Shuchalina Anna O Toropova Julia Teachers: Davydova Daria and Iukhnina Elena
Thank you!!!