Horses By: Ryley
Table of Contents Food Babies Habitat Enemies Description Communication Interesting facts Wold this animal make a pet why or why not Ending comet Creits
Food Hay Grass Suger cubes Carrots Apples Salt Eggs Seaweed Cod liver oil Dried hay
Babies Pregnacy lasts for about 33 – 340 days and usually results in one foal. Twins are rare. Colts are usually carried 2-7 longer than filles.
Habitat Horses live on farms or the wild.
Enemies King cobara Bears ( Any type) Black Flies Wasps, Horenets, Bees Raccoons
Description Shetlands can be bay,chestnut, black, roan, grey
Communication Horses communicate by neighing.
Interesting facts Most horses perform work such as carrying humans on backs or harnessed to pull objects such as carts or plows. This animal is a good pet because it can pull stuff.
Ending comment I love the project. You helped me a lot.
Credits http//en. Wikipedia. Org/wiki/Horse Totally Crazy for Horses By: Karen Briggs