UTE INDIANS People of the Colorado Plateau
They lived in southwest Colorado and Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. This is known as the four corners area. The Utes were found in this area from the 1100’s to the 1800’s. Where did they live? When did they live there?
The Utes were also called the Mountain Indians or Blue Sky People. Did they have other names?
The Utes hunted elk, mountain sheep, antelope, deer, small game, and came out to the plains to hunt bison. They moved around to areas where these animals could be found. Nomadic Hunters
Much of their food and medicine came from the plants found in the area such as yucca, yampa, camas, grass seeds, pinon nuts, and wild berries. What was used for food and medicine?
The Utes built houses called Wikiups that were tipi like huts covered with bark. They were easy to move since they moved often. What kind of houses did they live in?
Ute clothing was made mostly of animal skin such as deer and rabbit. What did they wear?
The Utes believed they were closely related to the bear and were very connected to nature. They were always very respectful to their environment. Did they have a religion?
The Spanish Explorers brought horses with them and introduced them to the Native Americans. The Utes called them “Magic Dogs”. Did the Ute ride horses?
Chief Ouray was a great Ute chief a worked hard to create peace between the Ute and the new settlers. He knew several Indian languages and Spanish and English. His wife was named Chipeta or Owl Woman and she worked for peace also. Who was Chief Ouray?
Some of the Utes fought with the settlers. Then the Utes had their land taken away and were forced to live on a much smaller reservation. Chief Ouray tried to stop it but was unsuccessful. Did it stay peaceful?