What we have loved Others will love And we will teach them how -William Wordsworth “I need IR classroom management…”
What do you envision a successful independent reader to look and sound like?
What is keeping you from achieving that vision?
It is possible!
Teaching IR To get students to independently read to your vision, you must first teach them: 1. Why reading is important (investment) 2. What specific, observable behaviors your are looking for 3. Reading strategies they need to use while reading
Independent Reading expands your vocabulary, provides necessary practice, makes you a more interesting person, helps you do academic reading in other subjects. Reading gives you the opportunity to read a book that you’re interested in and that is on your reading level. Why should we read?
“Reading changes your life. Reading unlocks worlds unknown or forgotten, taking travelers around the world and through time. Reading helps you escape the confines of school and pursue your own education. Through characters - the saints and sinners, real or imagined - reading shows you how to be a better human being.” ~Donalyn Miller, The Book Whisperer Why should we read?
You will advance your reading level by 2 years. BIG GOAL
1. Why reading is important (investment) 2. What specific, observable behaviors you are looking for 3. Reading strategies they need to use while reading
Silent Eyes remain on page Re-read Reading independently at our own rate Sitting up correctly Tracking with your finger or pen or pencil Turning pages (read to finish your book!) Reacting to the the book non-verbally! (Laughing silently, reading eagerly, sad face during sad times, etc.) 2 Basic Independent Reading Rules to Reinforce with Your Students: EVERYONE IS READING! NO ONE IS TALKING!
What grade would you give these scholars?
1. Why reading is important (investment) 2. What specific, observable behaviors your are looking for 3. Reading strategies they need to use while reading (I Do, We Do, You Do)
20 minutes of IR! This time is SACRED and you are expected to be completely silent during this time. Ms. Worthy will conference with scholars as needed. Remember our 2 IR rules to get into the READING ZONE: EVERYONE is reading! NO ONE is talking!
…and if that is not enough BMC is harder to do when everyone is supposed to be totally silent, right? Consider these examples of IR behavior management: Write the names of students who are following your expectations on the board Put a 1-10 point system at the top of student handouts Use a timer and reward the entire class after 5 minute intervals Print a stamp sheets with all of the expected behaviors and stamp student sheets as you see the behavior Give tickets to exemplar students
Conditions For IR Immersion - Students need to be surrounded with books of all kinds and given the opportunity to read them every day. Demonstrations - Daily reading lessons using authentic texts on the skills that readers need Expectations - Book requirement and student success Responsibility - Freedom to choose books Employment - Practice with Independent Book Approximations - Students need encouragement for the skills and knowledge they do have; be allowed to make mistakes Response - Nonthreatening, immediate feedback Engagement - ***
Engagement Reading must be an endeavor that: Has personal value to students Students see themselves as capable of doing Is free from anxiety Is modeled by someone the like, respect, trust, and want to emulate ~The Book Whisperer