Social Studies 7 South Orangetown Middle School Sarah Kukla
What are we studying in 7 th grade Social Studies? United States history from the pre-Columbian time period to the Civil War
Materials Textbook should be kept at home. Each day they must bring their assignment book, pen and pencil to class. A 9x12 notebook and a folder dedicated to Social Studies
Homework/Activity Lists Written homework assignments must be recorded in the assignment book and are checked the next day. If students do not have their homework, they will receive a grade of zero and their assignment book will be marked with a red ink stamp. Late homework will be accepted for half credit only if submitted the next day.
Tests Tests are announced. Chapter tests are given approximately every third week. The textbook includes a useful review section at the end of each chapter. Review sheets are given out before objective tests.
Projects/Essays Projects are done both in and out of class. (Problem Based Learning) 1 Document Based Question (DBQ) per quarter –Done in class
Grading Tests/quizzes (50%) Essays / Projects (35%) Class Activities/Homework (15%)
Absences It is your child’s responsibility to find out what work they have missed. They must make up this work within a reasonable period of time. If they are in school but absent from class, they are responsible for finding out what was missed on that same day.
Communication Please check the parent portal for grades and missing assignments 0/10 means not handed in --/10 means I did not input the grade yet Weekly homework and activity lists are available on my website. is the best way to contact me.
I look forward to a great year! Thanks for coming to Back to School night!