Welcome to 2 nd Semester! 1. Please pick up the papers on the front table. Tonight’s Homework: Finish Goal Poster Procedures Quiz on Thursday/Friday
Agenda: 3 Things Syllabus / Expectations Review Quiz/Group Final Grades Goal Setting/ Goal Poster 4.5: Properties of Logs (time permitted )
Learning Target I can: 1. Demonstrate Ms. Huls’ expectations and classroom procedures 2. Create a SMART goal
Class Jobs Paper Passer
What did you do over the 3 Day Weekend?
Classroom Expectations Remember it is a new year and you all have A’s. If you want to keep your A you need to work for it.
Syllabus: 2 nd Semester Fill in the blanks of your new Syllabus!
Green Sheet: 2 nd Semester Website: mshulsclass.weebly.com Office Hours: FLEX ( Thursdays) At lunch and after school by appointment
Green Sheet: 2 nd Semester Required Materials: Composition Notebook ( Ms. Huls will hand that out) Pencils and highlighters.
Green Sheet: 2 nd Semester Class Norms: Students are expected to: Be _______________________________________________ Maintain a safe environment and respect the right of others to learn. Do not talk while others are talking. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking or if you need to leave your seat. No cell phones, IPODs, etc. If I see any, they will be confiscated. Be __________________________ Be in your seat before the bell rings and ready with all of your necessary supplies on your desk. Do your best on all assignments and seek help when necessary. Refrain from grooming (e.g. hair, make-up) and follow all the expectations and rules when there is a substitute. Be ____________________________________ This means bring your binder, completed homework, questions and all necessary supplies each day. Just as importantly, bring with you a positive attitude and enthusiasm for learning. Be _______________________________________________________________ Take notes, participate in class discussions, ask questions, and complete all assignments. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Group work is not free time. When working in groups, refrain from talking about topics not directly related to this class.
Green Sheet: 2 nd Semester Consequences:
Green Sheet: 2 nd Semester Electronic Policy : Any electronics (e.g. cell phones, IPods) must be turned off and inside your purse or backpack at all times. No matter what the reason is, electronics that are being used in anyway during class or that I see will be confiscated.
Grading Policy Your grades will be determined based on the following: Homework/Projects/ Classwork/ Class Participation/ Note Check- Quizzes- Tests- Final Exam-
Homework Policy You MUST correct all your homework in colored pen EVERYDAY to get the 5 points. You must show your work for ALL problems. No Work = NO CREDIT I will accept late homework for maximum of ________ points. Once the stamp sheets are due, I will NO LONGER accept late homework.
Homework Policy ASK QUESTIONS!! I LOVE QUESTIONS!! But first, I am going to give you 4 minutes to ask your table questions on the homework. If your table does not know, then you can ask me!!!
Were you Absent? It is your responsibility to look at my website for the notes, ask a friend, or come in at lunch or after school to copy the notes. Copying notes cheating!!!! All notes are due the day of your note check! You are not excused if you were absent.
Absent Work You must make up tests/ quizzes no later than one week after your return or you will receive a zero. You and I will schedule a time the day you return to take the assessment.
Absent Work If you are absent, next to the assignment on your stamp sheet you will write Absent.. You have one extra day to turn in late homework for full credit.
Note Taking/ Group Work I expect 100% of students to take notes and follow along. No talking during this activity During group work, I expect everyone to be working/on task and helping each other. Don't ask Ms. Huls questions unless everyone in the group has the same question.
Test Retakes After each quiz/ test I will give you a deadline on when you can retake it for a higher grade. No more waiting until the end of the semester to retake quizzes/ tests! **ADD: You can get up to an 85% on your quizzes/ tests.
Whiteboards! There are four whiteboard markers in your basket. When you leave my classroom, there should be four whiteboard markers in my basket! There is NO drawing on my whiteboards. That is how the markers are running out of ink. Whiteboards are used only to do math problems. Put the cap back on the marker when you are done!
Whiteboards! Do not show me your whiteboard until I say “Show me.” I must see 100% participation. I am giving 15 participation points/ week ( 5 per class period). If you are not doing whiteboards, you will not get your full 5 points!!!
Dismissal! Clean up your area. Make sure there are four whiteboard markers in your cup. Throw away all trash and food. Do not put any papers in the basket. That is NOT a garbage can! Wait until Ms. Huls dismisses you.
Procedure Quiz You will have a quiz on what we just went over Thursday/Friday
Signature Any questions before signing this?!?!? Please sign this. Once you signed this syllabus, you agreed to the Class Expectations.
Quiz The graphing question was the hardest question. I am planning on re-teaching it this week, and then quizzing you on it again. Therefore, on Synergy I put the quiz out of 16 points. You may keep these! No retakes since this was 1 st semester. A: B: C: Common Mistakes: #2: Graphing #3: Don’t forget there are two solutions! #4: Simplify!
Group Final Remember: I only graded one final. Look at the person’s final that I graded for you to see which questions your answered correctly and incorrectly. You may NOT keep these! No retakes since this was 1 st semester. A: B: C: Common Mistakes: #1c: There are two parts to the domain! #3: Only use ( ) when talking about intervals
Grades I printed out your grades. If you have a 69.5%- 69.9% I rounded and gave you a C. Similarly, I did that if you had a % I rounded to a B. I printed these grades before I curved your quiz. If you grade changed from one letter to another, I wrote it on your grade sheet.
Grades If you are not satisfied with your grades you need to do the following: SUN Tutoring Khan Academy Look at your notes and ask your friends before asking me for help! You can’t always depend on me to help you when you need it.
Reflection Form Be as honest as possible!!! The reflection form is for only me and you to see!!!! Worth 5 points. Answer in complete sentences.
Goal Poster Follow directions on the paper Look at Ms. Huls’ example
Motivation Article
Motivation Article Reflection You must write 1-2 paragraphs about your thoughts on the article. Due next class period. ◦ Do you think it is true? ◦ How is it relevant to you? ◦ What did you get from reading it? ◦ Why do you think Ms. Huls decided to have you read it to begin the second semester? ◦ ANYTHING about the article!