Jamie Langlois, LMSW Shelley Schuurman, PhD, LMSW Social Work Licensing Information Session March 15, GRAND VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK
Public Health Code P.A. 61 of 2004 (and associated Administrative Rules) O Went into effect July 1, 2005 O Caused significant changes to the regulations of the social work profession 2
A National Model for Social Work Licensing O No Exceptions: Everyone must be licensed to practice social work O Two designations for MSW – macro & clinical O All Direct Practice is Clinical
Title Provided by the Law O Licensed Master’s Social Worker O Limited Licensed Master’s Social Worker O Licensed Bachelor’s Social Worker O Limited Licensed Bachelor’s Social Worker O Social Service Technician O Limited Social Service Technician 4
Limited License Master’s Social Worker Qualifications: O MSW from a CSWE accredited School of Social Work O Must be supervised by a Licensed Master’s Social Worker from their area of practice O O A limited license shall be issued for 1 year and may be renewed for not more than 6 years
Licensed Master’s Social Worker Qualifications: O 4,000 hours of supervised experience in either clinical or macro practice over a two year period O 100 hours of supervision from a Licensed Master’s Social Worker in their area of practice which may be a combination of individual and group (4 hours a month) O 4 hours per month with at least 1 hour being conducted between the applicant and the supervisor on an individual basis O Verification and recommendation from LMSW supervisor O Clinical must pass the Clinical Social Work Exam (ASWB) O Macro must pass the Advanced Generalist Exam (ASWB)
Licensed Master’s Social Worker Qualifications for Macro & Clinical: O One qualifies in one area of practice or the other including passing the test O Has additional 2,000 hours of experience under LMSW supervision O 50 hours of supervision by a Licensed Master’s Social Worker in that area of practice O Additional testing is NOT required 7
Scope of Practice for Macro Social Work O Advanced application of macro SW processes & systems to improve the social or health services of communities, groups, or organizations through planned interventions. O Includes, but is not limited to, community organizing; program planning and development; administration of community programs; assessment of client needs for community programs; coordination & evaluation of programs; advocacy; analysis & development of social welfare policy; organizational analysis; & provision of training about community needs/problems 8
Scope of Practice for Clinical Social Work O Use of assessment, treatment, & intervention methods that utilize a specialized, & formal interaction between a social worker & an individual, couple, family, or group where a professional relationship is established. O Includes one or more of the following: advocating for care; protection of the vulnerable; forensic practice; increasing social well-being; education; case management for complex & high risk cases; psychotherapy; community committees; supervision; & administration of clinical programs 9
“Psychotherapy” O The assessment, diagnosis or treatment of mental, emotional, or behavior disorders, conditions, addictions, or other bio-psychosocial problems and may include the involvement of the intrapsychic, intrapersonal, or psychosocial dynamics of individuals, couples, families, or groups
Limited License Bachelor’s Social Work Qualifications: O BSW degree from a CSWE accredited School of Social Work O Supervision must be provided by a Licensed Master’s Social Worker O A limited license shall be issued for 1 year and may be renewed for not more than 6 years
Licensed Bachelor’s Social Worker Qualifications: O 4,000 hours of supervised experience over a two year period O 100 hours of supervision by a Licensed Master’s Social Worker which may be a combination of individual and group (4 hours a month) O 4 hours per month with at least 1 hour being conducted between the applicant and the supervisor on an individual basis O Verification and recommendation from LMSW supervisor O Pass the Bachelor’s Examination (ASWB)
License Bachelor’s Social Work Scope of Practice O Social casework, assessment, planning, and interventions with individuals, couples, families, or groups, to enhance or restore the capacity for social functioning and developing solutions for interpersonal or community problems O Case management of health and human services O Information about and referral of individuals to resources O Planning and collaboration with communities, organizations, or groups to improve their social or health services O Establishing a professional helping relationship with an Individual, couple, family, or group to assist them in accessing services, solving problems, and making decisions about personal, health, social, educational, vocational, financial, and other concerns
14 Scope of Practice Grid O The grid clearly delineates which Social Work task or function is typically performed at the different levels of Social Work Licensure See last page of Hand out O Note the distinctions made between Clinical and Macro practice at the MSW level
Application Process O The application packet and additional information about licensure can be found at the State of Michigan Department of Community Health’s web site at: _27529_ ,00.htmlhttp:// _27529_ ,00.html (or search: michigan.gov LARA and social work) O The packet contains many forms, however to apply for a LLBSW or a LLMSW you only need to be concerned with the O Application Form (2 pgs) and O the Certification of Social Work Form (2 pgs) and O the Criminal Background Check and Fingerprint Request Forms 15
Overview of the Process Instructions: 1. Application, submitted 2. Fingerprinting & Criminal Background Check 3. Certification of Education 4. You will be sent a letter that says you’re eligible to take the Exam Is everything in my file complete? How can I find out what is missing?
Criminal Background Check Fingerprint Scan O 1.Complete the Form O 2./ 3. Schedule an Appointment O With L-1 Identity Solutions O O NO Other background check works O 4. You must bring: Completed Form Driver’s License Money Order $62.75
Application Form O Be sure to check Limited BSW or MSW License O MSW must check Macro or Clinical O Note Questions 1-8 to which you must check Yes or No and include an explanation for any answer checked Yes O You must be absolutely honest 18
Certification of Social Work Education Form O You complete Section One and then give it along with Section Two to your schools Program Director and/or the Registrar (At GVSU, you give it to Esther Visser) O Section Two needs to be completed by a school official and they must send in this form along with a copy of your transcript. 19
Supervision Verification Form O Once you begin employment, this is the form your Supervisor will use to verify your completed hours of supervision O LLBSW AND LLMSW must be supervised by a LMSW
Continuing Education Requirements O You DO NOT have to earn Continuing Education Credits while you are a LLBSW or LLMSW and working toward full licensure O You certainly can attend trainings O
The EXAM After you have mailed in the Application Form and the School of Social Work has mailed in the Certification of SW Ed form, (within 4-6 weeks) you will receive your Limited License and a letter informing you that you are eligible to take the Licensure Exam and need to register at ASWB in order to do so. O You can take this exam right away 22
When should I take the Exam? O You can take the exam anytime after you receive your Limited License and have registered O The current cost of the exam is Bachelors or Masters exam registration: $230 Advanced Generalist or Clinical exam registration: $260 O A passing score is 75 O If you don’t pass the first time you can retake the exam. 3/8/
Where do I take the exam? O Register for the appropriate ASWB examination O (Associate, O Bachelors, O Masters, O Advanced Generalist, O Or Clinical) O by calling , by fax, mail or online. Pay exam fee, notify the ASWB representative of any special testing arrangements you may have requested. O Exams are given year round O Multiple versions of the test are given throughout the year and at any given site 3/8/
A ssociation of S ocial W ork B oards O Lots of great information O Candidate Handbook 3/8/
How do I prepare for the exam? O Review material from course work O Review skills from practice O Form a study group O Attend our exam prep course June 1 & 2 at GVSU –Early bird rate for alumni $275 (register by May 18) download the brochure and registration form.download the brochure and registration form. O This form can be obtained at O This training is provided through a collaboration with Michigan State University O Training includes exam prep materials 3/8/
Exam Web Resources O Association of Social Work Board O Study Guides are $30 O Good information on test taking strategies and a practice test O No study material on content areas 27
Exam Web Resources O Social Work Examination Services O Click on “Home Study Program” O Master level Study Guide is $ O Plus Auto Exam with purchase for $85 O Bachelor level Study Guide is $ O Plus Auto Exam with purchase for $85 O Comprehensive material on each content area and several practice exams 28
Web Resources O LEAP-Lead ExAm Prep O O GVSU Coupon 20% off coupon for your students and alumni. They will need to enter the code at the time of order GVSU20 O Price: Bachelor (ASWB National exam): $99.50 Masters or Clinical (ASWB National Exam): $ O 2012 LEAP Online Practice Exams Price: $59 all levels 3/8/
Thank you Time for Questions????? Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead