Dear Juno Vocabulary and Amazing Words Second Grade Reading
smudged Marked with a dirty streak.
photograph A picture you make with a camera.
persimmons Round, yellow, and orange fruit about the size of a plum.
envelope A folded paper cover.
envelope persimmons photograph smudged
When I opened the found a letter inside. envelope persimmons photograph smudged
We picked some from the trees. envelope persimmons photograph smudged
Mom took a of the beautiful wild flowers. envelope persimmons photograph smudged
The ball was with mud. envelope persimmons photograph smudged
correspond postage transport cove footprint deaf imitate sign language
correspond to communicate with another person (e.g. letters, text message, ) I like to correspond with my friend in Atlanta.
sign language A way of talking by making signs with your hands to communicate. Mrs. Kiki used sign language while telling a story.
imitate To try to act like or to be like the person or thing. My brother likes to imitate me.
deaf To not be able to hear well or at all. The sweet lady was deaf so we had to use sign language.
footprint The mark your foot makes when you step on something. Did you see the footprint in the sand?
cove A small part of a sea or lake partly surrounded by land. We docked our boat in the cove.
transport To carry something somewhere.
postage The money you pay to send a letter or something you want to mail. We paid for postage to mail a letter to Atlanta.
correspond postage transport cove footprint deaf imitate sign language