How have the continents have changed? Pangaea – one large continent
By 65 million years ago… Pangaea was breaking into smaller pieces of land… What happened to animals on these continents as they broke apart?
Land Bridges The world was changing. The Ice Age had begun. – Plants were dying because of the cold. – Animals were in search of food. – These Animals migrated across land bridges.
People also migrated and the first people to migrate into North America were called the Paleo-Indians Time Period: 12,000 B.C. – 6,000 B.C. Group work
What did the Native Americans use in their environment? Ice Age = cold climate & few plants Lots of rocks, dirt, sticks, wood Moved to find more plants and trees Made sure they were near water (river or streams)
What did they use for shelters? Small camps near rivers or streams Used caves and rocks (Rock-shelters) Sometimes animal skin as a cover Moved often Camps were temporary
What did they eat? Where did it come from? Had to hunt in groups Very few plants Large animals – Mastadon- Ox – Bear- Horse – Mammoth- Caribou – Bison- Camel
What was their culture like? Lived in small groups at camps – Families still stayed together – No leaders – Men were the hunters Nomads -a member of a people who have no permanent home but move about according to the seasons Travelled often to East
What did they use from nature to create weapons and tools? Rocks, stones, sticks Used animal bones and antlers Spearhead on a stick to hunt – Called Clovis points