Aviation Valley Mobilising regional potential for technology development and economic renewal Andrzej Rybka, 2 April 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Aviation Valley Mobilising regional potential for technology development and economic renewal Andrzej Rybka, 2 April 2009

WARSZAWA Rzeszów Opracowanie własne RARR SA Aviation Valley Region

South – East Poland Far East of European Union Almost equal distance from the Baltic, Black and Adriatic Sea. Location

Dilemma agriculture region or high tech center? agriculture region or high tech center?

SWOT Strong points Beautiful and clean environment Beautiful and clean environment Concentration of aerospace industry Concentration of aerospace industry Universities Universities Airport and motorway Airport and motorway Weak points Underdeveloped infrastructure Underdeveloped infrastructure Peripheral localization Peripheral localization Archaic agriculture Archaic agriculture Paradigms Paradigms Opportunities Competitiveness of aerospace industry Competitiveness of aerospace industry EU funding EU funding Recreation attractiveness Recreation attractiveness Eco-agriculture Eco-agriculture Treats Lack of vision Lack of vision Inability to create collective and well coordinated action Inability to create collective and well coordinated action Apathy Apathy

AVIO - ECO The regional strategy will be based on 2 natural and logical opportunities: aerospace and eco - agriculture / tourism

Aviation Valley – cluster development Now Members18 72 Employment To transform south-eastern Poland into one of Europe’s leading aerospace regions

Objectives Support regional aerospace industry Support regional aerospace industry Develop low cost supply chain Develop low cost supply chain Attract new investors Attract new investors Influence education system Influence education system Build relationships with academia Build relationships with academia Influence government policy to support aerospace growth Influence government policy to support aerospace growth Develop relationship with other European centers of the aerospace industry Develop relationship with other European centers of the aerospace industry

1000> 200~500 <200 Structure King & Fowler

Education, Science, Innovation High schools / CEKSO CNC operators Training Center Universities Aeronet – Aviation Valley Material Laboratory Children university

International network Interreg: Finland, Ireland, Poland Central Europe Conference Ukraine conference Clustering clusters


New investments

Opportunities Low cost supply chain Good place for investment –Big companies –SMEs Risk and revenue partner R&D partner Growing local market