Course Color Scheme12345 Color RGB Chart #R:G:B: 1255255255 2000 3222235247 42552550 525500 Background: White without borders or boxes. Titles: Titles.


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Presentation transcript:

Course Color Scheme12345 Color RGB Chart #R:G:B: Background: White without borders or boxes. Titles: Titles will use Arial 44pt bold and centered, Color #2 (Cap letters for each word, except for prepositions and articles) Sub-titles: Sub-titles will use Arial 34pt font bold, Color #2. (Cap letters for each word, except for prepositions and articles) Content Text: Content will use Arial 16pt font, Color #2. Key Terms: Key terms should be bold, and highlighted in red.

Style & Colors for Text Boxes Use this box for notes and explaining any additional content, providing external resources, or hyperlinks. Size 14, Arial font. Color #2. Color #3 for background. Use this box to label any documents or images used in the module. This can be hyperlinked to the content. Size 12, Arial font. Color #2, Color #4 for background Use this box for content text. Size 16, Arial font. Use this standard format for buttons. Each word Capitalized. Size 18, Arial font. Include the Creative Commons icon in the lower left quadrant of each slide.

Images Robert F. Kennedy speaking to a Civil Rights crowd in front of the Justice Department building in 1963.Robert F. Kennedy speaking to a Civil Rights crowd in front of the Justice Department building in from the Library of Congress via Wikimedia Commons kennedy_civilrights.jpg Civil Rights are the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality. key_terms.jpg Votes for Women a SuccessVotes for Women a Success: 1913 from VIA Harvard Library womens_sfrg.jpg Waiting Room for Colored Only plessyvferg.jpg

Images The Supreme Court in 1953, with Chief Justice Earl Warren sitting centerThe Supreme Court in 1953, with Chief Justice Earl Warren sitting center: by United Press International telephoto, via Wikimedia Commons jimcrow.jpg An African-American youth at a "colored" drinking fountain on a courthouse lawn in Halifax, North Carolina, 1938 An African-American youth at a "colored" drinking fountain on a courthouse lawn in Halifax, North Carolina, 1938 : by John Vachon for U.S. Farm Security Administration, via Wikimedia Commons warren_court.jpg Court Bans Segregation in Public School CasesCourt Bans Segregation in Public School Cases: 1954 from the Tallahassee Democrat, Florida brownvboard.jpg