Role of Family Planning in Alleviating the Burden of HIV
Role of FP in HIV Prevention Support for mother and family Prevention of trans- mission from an HIV- positive woman to her infant Prevention of unintended pregnancies in HIV- positive women Prevention of HIV in women, especially young women Source: WHO, Family planning and effective use of contraceptives
FP Complements Other Programs to Reduce Infant Infections/Deaths Source: USAID, Benefits of integrating family planning and nevirapine programs – annual projection of infections and deaths averted
Benefits of Providing FP Services For women and couples with HIV: Improves health/well-being of families and communities –spacing/limiting births Prevents unintended pregnancies, thus reducing: –number of infants born HIV-positive –number of future orphans
Unmet Need for Family Planning Is High Percentage of married women of reproductive age Source: Population Reference Bureau and DHS, 1999–2003.
Unmet RH Needs of Young Women Evidence: High STI/HIV rates Unintended pregnancy Mortality/morbidity from unsafe abortion Causes include lack of: Information/education/communication skills Access to adolescent-friendly RH services Source: Ross, 2002.