Group Process, Problem-Solving, and Goal-Setting
Objectives -- Week Seven Discuss and illustrate elements of group dynamics Examine moments when groups break down Explore ways to improve group functioning Hand back short paper assignment # 1 Hand out short paper assignment # 2
Importance of Groups in Organizations Achieve more than individuals alone – More responsive – Access multiple skills and areas of expertise – More creative and innovative Groups face challenges Do public organizations face tougher group challenges than private organizations?
Group Membership Why Do Individuals Join Groups? (Mancur Olson) – Selective, Purposive, Solidary Issues Upon Entering A Group – How will group accomplish tasks? – Role or Identity – Influence and Power – Goals and Acceptance Coping Strategies During Search for Role/Niche
Individual Roles Within Groups Task-related – Creator/Innovator; Promoter; Summarizer; Developer; Organizer; Producer; Evaluator Team-building – Harmonizer; Gatekeeper; Encourager; Observer Managing external boundary – Defining boundaries; Translator; Guard; Scout Negative roles – Avoider; Clown; Recognition Seeker
Group Norms Assumptions or expectations held by the members of a group about what behavior is good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate Important part of organizational culture What happens when there is a lack of consensus on norms? Difference between explicit and implicit norms?
Group and Leadership Issues in Consulting Teams
Problem-Solving First Cycle – Problem Formulation – Generate Proposals – Forecast Consequences Second Cycle – Action Planning – Action Steps – Evaluation
Group Decision-Making Decision by Apathy or Lack of Interest Designate Decisional Power to Formal Authority Decision by Minority Majority Rule Consensus Unanimous Consent
Group Performance and Evaluation To be successful, groups must establish criteria for success – Official versus operative goals – Implications of ambiguity in goals Good group decision-making and evaluation requires effective feedback – Heard by Listener – doesn’t provoke defensiveness – Keeps Relationship Intact – Validates Feedback Process – Timely – Relates to Specified Goal
Weick on Group Collapse and Sensemaking “Thrust people into unfamiliar roles, leave some key roles unfilled, make the task more ambiguous, discredit the role system,” you put a group in a context where small events can spin out of control and the group will collapse.
Improving Group/ Organizational Resiliency Improvisation Virtual Role Systems Cultivate Wisdom Respectful Interaction Communication Superordinate Goals Ability to rely upon formal roles and informal ties
Dropping Your Tools How Groups Can Typically Function: – Law of the Instrument – Look for confirmatory data – Assess effectiveness by outcomes Impact of “tool-dependence” or “single-tool- mindedness” is to undermine the group’s ability to be successful over time
Why Don’t We Drop Our Tools? Not listening, cannot hear Don’t trust the individual giving the commands No reason or justification given Unfamiliar with the alternatives Tools = essence of our identity Instinct to retain control Unwillingness to admit failure
How to Improve Work in Groups Improve Communication Improving Group Decision-making Assessment and Reflection Develop a Vision & a Strategic Plan Team-building
Readings to Be Completed for Next Class Period McKibbin – coursepack Morgan and England – coursepack Porter and Kramer – coursepack Case: Managing the BHA – coursepack