Year /2014 Circus Autumn 1 Invaders and Settlers Spring 1 Invaders and Settlers Spring 2 Myths and Legends Autumn 2 Animal Magic Summer 2 Caribbean Summer 1
Links to information
Circus Have a browse through some of these websites about the Circus, what else can you find out? Roman Circuses History of the circus Cirque du Soleil
Myths and Legends Have a browse through some of these websites about Myths and legends, what else can you find out? Myths and legends examples Ancient Greek legends myths, legends and fables
Invaders and Settlers Have a browse through some of these websites about invaders and settlers, what else can you find out? The Romans in Britain BBC - Primary History – Romans BBC - Primary History – Vikings BBC - Primary History - Anglo-Saxons
Animal Magic Have a browse through some of these websites about Rainforest Animals, what else can you find out? The Prince's Rainforests Project Rainforest Animals The Amazon Conservation Team Rainforest Plants
Caribbean Have a browse through some of these websites about the Caribbean, what else can you find out? Caribbean colouring Caribbean recipes Maps of the Caribbean