TWES Lesson 11 Why Work Ethic? 2008 Cindy Barnes M. Ed Career & Technical Education Department San Carlos High School San Carlos, AZ 85550
TWES Lesson 12 Learning Goal n To understand why work ethic is so important in the information age workplace and why it will continue to be important in the future
TWES Lesson 13 What goes around, comes around n Agricultural age l distributed management of work l high-discretion in use of time l broad spectrum of work skills n Industrial age l centralized management of work l little discretion on the job l specialized work skills
TWES Lesson 14 What goes around (cont.) n Information age l distributed management of work l high-discretion in use of time l broad spectrum of work skills
TWES Lesson 15 Information Age Jobs n Why work ethic is so important n Employers seek good work ethic n Technical skills are important n Work ethic just as important and difficult to find
TWES Lesson 16 Assignments n Assignment 1 l examine the “want ads” l list worker characteristics being sought Assignment 2 l what are we looking for in a job l consider relationship between job satisfaction and work ethic