{ Licensing Jennifer McNutt EDU October 28, 2015
This is a licensed position to hold a license you must complete to following: Complete Praxis exams Hold a bachelors of graduates degree Complete 3 course hours on family engagement and parental involvement and Completed a program to teach pupils that is approved by the board or Hold a license to teach pupils that was approved by another state and approved by the commission or Hold an Elementary license, a secondary license, or a license to teach middle school or junior high school education, that is endorsed with a major in child care (as well as proper experience and schooling) and Must complete 35 semester hours in early childhood education for children that are developing both typically and atypically. Birth – Second Grade Teacher
This is a licensed position If you do not hold a license in another state the Praxis exam must be passes Must hold a bachelors degree Must complete a program that meets the guidelines of NAC for teaching elementary grades. It must also include 32 semester hours in professional elementary education Complete 3 credit hours with students with disabilities Complete 3 credit hours in parental involvement and family engagement Elementary Subjects K-8 Teacher
To qualify for a license to substitute teach grades K-12: Must be a US citizen or permanent resident with permanent resident card Must have earned 60 semester credits, or an associate’s degree or higher. This must be reflected in an official transcript. Substitute Teacher
Must be Endorsed to teach the specific area of special education that you are interested in Must pass Praxis exam if you do not hold a current license in another state 3 semester hours in parental involvement and family engagement and Hold a masters degree in early childhood special education, 8 semester hours of student teaching or experience, or 1 year of verifiable teaching experience in early childhood special education “A person may also receive the endorsement if he/she holds an elementary or secondary license, a license to teach middle school or junior high school education, a special education license, or a bachelor’s or master’s degree in early childhood special education, special education, education for early childhood, child development or a related field that customarily involves providing service to children who have disabilities and who are under eight (8) years of age, such as counseling of children or families, educational or developmental psychology, speech pathology, physical or occupational therapy, elementary education, social work, or nursing if the person has at least one (1) year of experience in pediatric nursing” Special Education (Exceptional Students) Teacher
Must be endorsed Must hold a bachelors degree Must hold valid elementary, middle school or junior high, secondary or special teaching license (dose not include business or industry license) Have 16 semester hours in reading within the following areas: Foundations of Reading Elementary Methods and Materials Secondary Methods and Materials Diagnosis of reading disabilities Practicum in reading remediation Reading Specialist
Must be endorsed Must pass Praxis and Principals of Learning and Teaching K-6 AND If you do not have a license in another state Must hold a bachelors degree Must have 3 semester hours in parental involvement and family engagement 33 semester hours in professional education which include Foundations of education Methods of teaching art in elementary or secondary schools, and eight semester credits of student teaching 36 semester hours in principles of fine and applied arts which include history of art, design, drawing, painting, digital or graphic arts, ceramics or sculpture, and, photography or printmaking Art Specialist
Must be endorsed Must have either a valid elementary, middle school or junior high school, secondary or special teaching license, (excluding business and industry licenses) Must complete a program for library/media specialist that has been approved by the board Must hold a masters or more advanced degree in library science with a specialization in school librarianship, from a school accredited by the American Library Association or 21 semester credits in: Organization and administration of a school library The cataloging and classification of materials for a library Reference, bibliography and information skills The use and selection of educational media for a library Children’s and young adults’ literature Computers in the library A supervised practicum in an elementary, middle or junior high school, or a secondary school library. Library/ Media Specialist
Must be endorsed Must pass Praxis exam if you do not hold a license in another state Hold a bachelors degree 3 semester credits in parental involvement and family engagement and Complete an approved program for teaching physical education in grades K-12 42 semester hours specific to the area of physical education 22 semester hours in professional education Physical Education Specialist
Must be endorsed Must complete the Praxis exam and Principles of Learning and Teaching K-6 or 7-12 if not licensed in another state Must hold a bachelor's degree 3 semester credits in parental involvement and family engagement and Complete a program approved for teaching music approved by the board 22 semester hours in professional education 36 semester hours in foundations of music Music Specialist
Must be endorsed Must have a elementary, middle school/junior high, secondary or special license Must complete a program which has been approved by the board for teaching computer-based applications or 1 2 semester hours in the following areas educational issues relating to computers methods for teaching the integration of technology with curriculum methods for teaching computer applications or instruction in at least three (3) of the following Productivity tools such as word processing, databases and spreadsheets Communication tools Research tools iv. Multimedia tools Other applications approved by the Board Educational Computer Strategist (Computer Applications)
Must be endorsed Must pass Praxis exam if not licensed in another state 3 credit hours in parental involvement and family engagement Masters degree or more advanced in school counseling Must hold a specialty credential as a National Certified School Counselor issued by the National Board for Certified Counselors Must hold a master’s or more advanced degree with a major in counseling Must hold a master’s or more advanced degree along with 2 years of teaching experience and 2 years of counseling experience Must complete 600 hours in school counseling practicum, internship or field experience in grades K-12 Must have completed 36 semester graduate credits in school guidance and counseling (areas are specific) School Counselor
Must be endorsed 3 credit hours in parental involvement and family engagement Must hold a certificate as a Nationally Certified School Psychologist issued by the National School Psychology Certification System of the National Association of School Psychologist Must hold a graduate degree with preparation in school psychology Must have earned 60 semester credit hours in specified areas (NAC ) Must complete 1000 hours of internship in school psychology School Psychologist
Must be endorsed Must hold a elementary, middle school/ junior high, secondary or special teaching license Must have 3 years of teaching experience in an accredited K-12 school Must complete 24 semester hours of graduate courses in the administration of a school within various areas of course study Must complete 12 semester hours of graduate courses that are part of a administrative program for educators, or hold a master’s degree or higher in educational administration School Administrator