Use this for spelling list 4A Spelling Rules 2 - 4 Use this for spelling list 4A
Doubling the final consonant Rule #2 pg. 4
Do this before a suffix beginning with a vowel Examples of suffixes beginning with a vowel -ed -ing -er -en -able, ible Examples of suffixes beginning with a consonant -ly -tion -ment -tude
Only double the last consonant when… The word only has one syllable example: run The last syllable of the word is accented and ends with… single vowel + single consonant example: begin
One syllable words Examples of one syllable words Plan Ship Brag Rob Hop Class given examples _____________
Now we add a suffix One syllable words Plan Ship Brag Rob Hop Written with suffixes _____________
Accented last syllable with single vowel & single consonant Examples begin refer commit forbid confer Examples of NOT accented last syllables travel _____________
Now we add a suffix Last syllable accented words begin refer commit forbid confer Written with suffixes _____________
Independent practice time Add the suffix –ed to each word, double the consonant if needed Counsel Submit Hop War Infer Travel Gag Kidnap Compel Plan Counseled * Submitted * Hopped * Warred * Inferred Traveled * Gagged * Kidnapped * Compelled * Planned
Silent “E” rules Rule #4 pg. 4
When to drop the “e” and when to keep it.. If the suffix begins with a vowel, DROP the “e” Example word: manage managed managing manager If the suffix begins with a consonant, Keep the “e” completely arrangement likely
EXCEPTIONS If the word ends in “dge” DROP the final “e” Examples: Judgment Acknowledgment If the word ends in “ce” or “ge”, when –able or –ous is added KEEP the final “e” Traceable Manageable Outrageous Any other exceptions can only be memorized and are marked with an *
Independent practice time Combine the word and the suffix, drop the “e” if needed. Hope + ed Judge + ment Gage + ing Manage + able Hydroplane + ing Trace + able Wage + ed Wane + ing Engage + ment Race + ing hoped judgment gaging manageable hydroplaning Traceable Waged Waning Engagement Racing
Words ending in “Y” Rule #3 pg. 4
Words ending in “y” preceded by a consonant Examples of “y” words preceded by a consonant try busy accompany victory industry Examples of “y” words preceded by a vowel buy may stay Employ Eighty
For words ending in “y” preceded by a consonant Change the “y” to “ies” instead of “ys” if the y is preceded by a consonant Example: Try Tries Buy Buys
Independent practice time Add an “s” onto the words ending in y, change to “ie” if needed. Alley Industry Deploy Army Cemetery Portray Security Forgery Envoy Monastery Alleys Industries Deploys Armies Cemeteries Portrays Securities Forgeries Envoys Monasteries