IT in Education Refresher Training Courses for Teachers IT in Education Refresher Training Courses for Teachers Constructing Knowledge Interactively in an IT- rich Environment
Aims To introduce latest development and various theoretical frameworks in using IT in education - To equip teachers with the knowledge and skills to empower students to attain information literacy through collaborative learning and resource-based learning - To help teachers to develop an electronic platform to engage students’ active participation in meaningful learning
Topics Attributes of meaningful learning How IT can facilitate meaningful learning Introduction of different ideas/perspectives of IT in education Information Literacy Information Literate Schools
Information Process Models, for example, Kuhlthau’s Information Search Process (ISP) and Big Six Skills Critical Thinking Authentic Assessment Ideas to help teachers to create their own electronic platform to facilitate students’ interactive and meaningful learning
SessionInformation literacyActivitiesTime OneThis session will begin with the learner through a discussion of what makes an autonomous learner (AL). Participants will identify key features of AL in groups of 4. Introduction Discussion 40min OneThis session will discuss ways of facilitating AL. The idea of learning to learn and what it means will be introduced. The following topics will be introduced: McKenzie The question is the answer Scaffolding (including rubrics) Information as a process Information skills Information literacy (Includes analyzing a 20 minute video What’s going on there which demonstrates information as a process in class settings.) Introduction Demonstration Discussion 60min OneThis session will discuss the idea of building knowledge and assessing learning Topics will include: Metacognition Blooms Taxonomy iHouse Introduction Activity Discussion 70min
SessionHomefunActivitiesTime TwoParticipants will have the opportunity to undertake out of class learning. Relate what has been learned in session one to their workplace and prepare for session three. Participants will collaborate to visit websites on: Resource based learning Hong Kong Education City Webquests Knowledge Forum Information processing models Participants will draft a rubric to assess group work Self-directed learning Share ideas in the course room Register for iHouse 180min
SessionBuilding collegial knowledgeActivitiesTime ThreeThe idea of an information literate school will be introduced Emphasis will be placed on the need for collegiality Introduction20min ThreeKuhlthau’s ISP will be introduced in terms of an assignment.Interaction30min Three Participants will investigate and share ideas about possible electronic tools, including: Knowledge Forum WebQuests Hong Kong Education City Students will discuss ways of assessing learning. The concept of authentic assessment will be introduced. Discussion Introduction Demonstration Hands on practice Discussion 100min 30min
Course Leaders Course Designer: James Henri