What kind of do you have? For school addresses, click HERE and follow the directions.HERE For non-school addresses, click HERE and follow the directions.HERE
Prezi If you have a school (ends click on “Get Started.” Then, click on the link for students and teachers.
Select the Edu Enjoy option and click on “Start with Edu Enjoy.”
Enter your address (make sure it is one you check regularly).
If you don’t have a school select Public and continue instead.
Once you have created your account, write down your username and password OR enter your username and password as a new contact in your phone. Make the Last name Prezi, then put in your username and password as first name or phone number.
Now you are ready to create. Simply click on “New Prezi” in either place.
How to make a Prezi: Click on the first link to view a video on creating your first Prezi. Click on this link to see more advanced features:
Choose a template you like and then click “Use template.”
After you choose your template you will see this page: The little rectangle on the far right allows you to zoom in or out.
When you click on “Click to add title” you can enter a title and then the Prezi will be called this. You will see the toolbar at the right with all of your editing options.
The toolbar on the left lets you add a new frame (like a slide). It can be a bracket, circle, rectangle or clear. You can also change the order, or PATH, by dragging frames into a different location or clicking on “Edit Path.” Path means the order in which your frames will be displayed.
Here is what you see when you select “Edit Path.”
When you click on a frame, you will see the toolbar on the right: You can zoom in, change the type of frame (circle, rectangle, bracket or clear), delete the frame, move the frame or change the size of the frame.
You can insert a variety of elements into your frames. See the list on the right.
After you add a frame AND when you finish, click on the disk to save. You can view your Prezi by clicking on Present. You can share your Prezi by clicking on the arrow in a box.