Welcome Burghill Community Academy Parent information event: SATs 2014 Aims: Provide an overview of the procedures relating to the formal assessment of Year 6 pupils in the Summer Term. Answer general and pupil specific questions. Highlight practical suggestions to support children and parents.
Overview The Standard Attainment Tests Literacy and Numeracy Week beginning May 12 th 2014 *Please ensure your child attends school punctually throughout the week* It is important to note that your child is continually assessed during their education using a range of strategies and methods throughout the year. These form what is known as teacher assessment.
What is the purpose of the SATs? The key stage 2 national curriculum tests are designed to test children's knowledge and understanding of specific elements of the key stage 2 programmes of study. They provide a snapshot of a child’s attainment at the end of the key stage. (Department for Education) To measure pupil progress and attainment Measured against age related expectations as set out in the National Curriculum. Results form the basis of further teaching and learning. Results can be used by high schools as a ‘baseline’ assessment. To measure school performance To identify regional and national trends
What form do the tests take? Literacy 1 reading paper 1 Grammar and Punctuation and Vocabulary test (referred to as GPS or SPaG) To include 1 Spelling test Handwriting is also assessed Numeracy 2 written papers (calculators are no longer permitted for Paper B) 1 mental maths test Science 3 general papers, each taking 25 minutes to complete
SATs week timetable Monday 12 th May Levels 3-5 English reading test Level 6 English reading test Tuesday 13 th May Levels 3-5 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Level 6 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Wednesday 14 th May Levels 3-5 mental mathematics test Levels 3-5 mathematics Paper 1 Thursday 15 th May Levels 3-5 mathematics Paper 2 Level 6 mathematics Paper 1 Level 6 mathematics Paper 2
What do the results mean and how are they reported? External marking – reported to school and passed on to parents with Teacher Assessments. Level 5Above average attainment Level 4At age related expectation for attainment Level 3Below average attainment Teacher Assessment enables us to measure the progress your child has made in finer detail (sub levels). We are keen to celebrate your child’s progress regardless of the level at which they are working.
What does this mean for your children? An opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge. Work will take place in a more formal environment within a calm and purposeful atmosphere. Expectations for conduct and attitude will be emphasised. Opportunities to share concerns and ask questions – before and during SATS week.
What does it mean for you? Keep doing what you are doing! Follow routines and work with your child. Homework Home reading Extra opportunities for learning and practise - more later Prepare with your child each day Punctual attendance Breakfast, healthy snack, lunch, water bottle ‘Standard’ stationery Promote a positive perception of the SATS Our common goal is for a positive outcome for all our children
What next? Preparation in school Practise (as part of a balanced curriculum). Intervention and focused support. Promoting positive attitudes to challenges and the independent application of skills and knowledge. Discussion time Communication Burghill website Come and talk to us Useful resources Handout Burghill website Class teachers