Your child is on a wonderful team with teachers who embrace the middle school model If you or your child have a need, a concern or a situation I should know about, please let me know. There is ALWAYS time before school if you need a quick conference or a minute of my time. I am usually here by 7:30-7:45ish I want your child to ENJOY reading and writing even if it isn’t his/her strength.
Reading Writing Listening Speaking Grammar (Conventions)
Demonstrate the writing process Explore writing domains (persuasive, expository, narrative, descriptive) Summary writing Letter writing Poetry writing Analyze and Respond to literature Modeling the Masters Writing Tricks 6-Traits of Writing Grammar Spelling Vocabulary
o Read from a variety of genres with accuracy, immediate recognition and expression o Read for comprehension and response o Read from a district approved list of novels o Understand and apply elements of fiction (character, setting, plot etc.) o Demonstrate understanding of types of literature (novel, play, prose etc.) o Discuss literature during book groups and classroom opportunities
The Outsiders Seedfolks Quarterly Novel Choice
Students will have vocabulary test every Friday Please let your child use the computer for school uses. There are many assignments that your student would greatly benefit with the use of a computer Your child’s attendance is extremely important Your child will keep a portfolio of their writing for the year Learning lab is available for students who are falling behind. It is offered EVERY morning at 8:00am