Thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness!
Church Library Second Sunday Storytime TODAY in the Library! Contact: Dedra Beauchamp
Endowment Ministry Annual Chili Feed & Cake Auction Sat., Feb. 20
Church Office Monday – Friday 9 am – 1 pm The Office will be OPEN on President’s Day, Monday, February 15 and CLOSED on Tuesday, February 16.
Caring Ministry Caring Meals Coordinator Needed Contact: Betty Phillips or Church Office
Scrip Orders Next Order Date: Wednesday, Feb. 17 at 9 am. Order forms on Narthex bulletin board. Contact: Church Office
Rummage Sale Mar. 1: set-up begins Sale Dates Friday, March 4 8 am – 2 pm Saturday, March 5 8 am – 12 noon Contact: Ellen Couch, Helena Hurst
Life’s Challenges Support Group Life’s Challenges Support Group For Men and Women 1 st and 3 rd Mondays February 15 6:00 pm, Library Contact: Loretta Dodge Sponsored by Caring Ministry
Small Group How is it with your Soul? Wednesdays 7 pm Sanctuary Contact: Kathy Glass
Youth Ministry Weekly meetings on Thursdays 7 pm in the Teen Room Contact: Adriane Samcoff
Sunday Morning Bible Study Sunday Morning Bible Study Sunday Mornings at 9 am Church Library Home Study Guides located on Narthex Bulletin Board Contact: Loren Guffey
Outreach Ministry Food Drive Sundays: 1 st Sunday of the month
Outreach Ministry Tarps for the Homeless Contact: Ruby and Wayde Wicker What are You Passionate About? Tarps and monetary donations gratefully accepted.
CA-NV Conference 2016 Summer Camps Registration opens in February Flyers on Hall Bulletin Board
Bridges District Lord, Teach us to Pray February Hope UMC Sacramento Flyers on Hall Bulletin Board
Sunrise Circuit Resurrection Conversation Saturday, March 5 Hope UMC Sacramento Flyers on Hall Bulletin Board
Bridges District Easter Sunrise Service Sunday, March 27, 6 am Ancil Hoffman Park Carmichael Flyers on Hall Bulletin Board
SUNDAY (Today): Worship Ministry, Spencer, 11:00 am TUESDAY: Finance Ministry, Spencer, 6:30 pm SUNDAY (Today): Inclusive Ministry, Spencer, 11:00 am Outreach “O-Group” Team, Pastor’s Study, 11:00 am
Looking Ahead Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events… 02/15President’s Day - church office OPEN. 02/16Church Office CLOSED. 02/18Lenten Soup Suppers begin 02/20Annual Chili Feed & Cake Auction 03/01Rummage Sale set-up begins 03/04-03/05Rummage Sale 03/13Daylight Saving Time begins. Spring forward 1 hour.
Looking Ahead Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events… 03/20Palm Sunday 03/24Maundy Thursday Service 03/25Good Friday 03/27Easter Services 03/28Easter Monday - church office closed. 03/31-04/01Church office closed. 05/08Mother’s Day 05/10General Conference begins-Portland, OR 05/15Pentecost Sunday 05/30Memorial Day - church office closed. 06/19Father’s Day 06/22-06/25Annual Conference 07/04Independence Day - church office closed. 09/05Labor Day - church office closed. 10/02World Communion Sunday 11/06Daylight Saving Time ends. Fall back 1 hour. 11/06All Saints Sunday 11/24Thanksgiving Day - church office closed. 11/271st Sunday of Advent 12/24Christmas Eve services 12/25Christmas Day