Science and the Scientific Method Week 1 4C: Prepare your desk for science. Open your science notebook. Use voice level 2 (conversation) to share the two boxes on the “About the Author” page.
Targets and Warm Up Targets: We will identify and order the steps of the scientific method. We will describe the steps of the scientific method. We will restate the steps of the scientific method in our own words. Warm up: What is science? How is the scientific method related to science?
What is science? Science is knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation. (record this definition on the “About the Author” page of your science notebook) The word science comes from the Latin "scientia," meaning knowledge. In order to do an experiment, what do we make sure to follow?
What is the scientific method? The scientific method involves a series of steps that are used to investigate a natural occurrence.
Scientific Method Rap
1. Question (Purpose) The scientific method starts when you ask a question about something that you observe. We use question words such as: How, What, When, Who, Which, Why, or Where? The question must be testable and about something that you can measure. – Why do you think this is important?
Non Testable Questions There are many important questions that science cannot answer because they are not testable, or we would be unable to prove them wrong. These include questions… about things we cannot observe with our senses that involve personal opinions or beliefs that are too general that we cannot answer due to limits on time, technology, or resources.
Questions: Testable or Non Testable? 1.Does temperature affect the speed of plant growth? 2.Which tastes better, Coke or Pepsi? 3.Which soda has more sugar per serving, Coke or Pepsi? 4.What do fish think about? 5.Is there life outside our solar system? 6.Why do people yawn?
Science and the Scientific Method Week 1 4C: Prepare your desk for science. Open your science notebook. Use voice level 2 (conversation) to share the definition of science and how the scientific method relates to science. If you have time, try to say the steps of the scientific method without looking at your notes.
Targets and Warm Up Targets: We will identify and order the steps of the scientific method. We will describe the steps of the scientific method. We will restate the steps of the scientific method in our own words. Warm up: What is the first step of the scientific method? Define it in your own words. What is important for scientists to remember when doing this step?
2. Research When you research, you find out more about the topic. This will help you put together a plan for answering your question. You can use library and internet research to help you.
3. Hypothesis A hypothesis is an educated guess or prediction about how things work. We use this format to write a hypothesis: "If [I do this], then [this] will happen."
Hypothesis Examples Question: Does temperature affect the speed of plant growth? Hypothesis: If a plant is in warmer temperatures, then it will grow faster. Question: How does the amount of daylight affect how many eggs laid by a chicken? Hypothesis: If the amount of daylight increases, then the chickens will lay more eggs.
What could our hypothesis be? Question: How does stirring affect the rate that salt dissolves in water? If________________, then ________________.
4. Experiment Your experiment tests whether your hypothesis is supported or not. It includes the materials you need and the procedure, or steps, that you will follow. It is also important to do your experiment several times to make sure that the first results weren't just an accident. This means you need to do several trials.
5. Analysis Analyze means to examine carefully and in detail. Once your experiment is complete, you collect your measurements and analyze them to see what they say. You analyze information in charts and graphs. Then, you write a summary of what the chart or graph shows you.
Charts and Graphs
6. Conclusion The conclusion wraps up the experiment. It includes: – A hypothesis reflection that tells whether the hypotheses was correct or incorrect and why – Areas of improvement for future experiments – An application section that tells how the results of the experiment can be used in real life
Overview of the Scientific Method Scientific Method Animation
Scientific Method Example (Study Jams) Study Jams Scholastic Example
Can you put the steps in order? Conclusion Question Data Analysis Research Experiment Hypothesis
Can you explain each of the steps in your own words? Question Research Hypothesis Experiment Data Analysis Conclusion
Targets (Revisited) Targets: We will identify and order the steps of the scientific method. We will describe the steps of the scientific method. We will restate the steps of the scientific method in our own words.
Homework SubjectHomeworkDue Date ScienceNone