9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS1 CHAOS OO-Simulation for Atlas Atlas Software Workshop H.Kurashige Kobe Univ.
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS2 What is CHAOS zCHAOS (Comprehensive Atlas Object-Oriented Simulator) zCHAOS project aims to develop Geant4-based simulators for Atlas detector zSimulator for Atlas should include Simulation of primary events caused by pp-collision Simulation of particle interactions and responses of detectors Simulation of digitizer So, we can get simulation output compatible with raw data of real Atlas experiment.
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS3 Main Functions of CHAOS zCHAOS provides environments and tools to describe detector geometry manipulate physics events describe detector responses describe digitization scheme zIn addition, CHAOS has some utilities for users to visualize detector and simulation results interface to histogramming package(s)
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS4 CHAOS Libraries zCHAOS is developed mainly for mass-production of “full” simulation data for Atlas detector. zCHAOS project provides libraries and executables for yAtlas full simulator and ytest-beam simulation.
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS5 Boundary Condition in developments zCHAOS is based on OO (Object-Oriented) technologies. zCHAOS should be developed based on yGeant4 for the kernel of simulation yHepODBMS for management of object persistency yARVE for environments on Atlas software framework zUsing above libraries gives some constraints to design and developments of CHAOS
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS6 Requirements for CHAOS zCHAOS is used yfor mass-production of “full” simulation data. yfor beam-test simulation. zCHAOS simulates detector responses of Atlas detector. yCHAOS can output data compatible with raw-data format. zVarious parameters for simulation are re-usable. yUsing same parameter sets, which can be stored to and restored from object database, must reproduce same simulation results. yParameter sets for CHAOS can be modified both in run-time of CHAOS and in direct database manipulation.
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS7 CHAOS modules ARVE+ODBMSARVE+ODBMS Physics Event Generator Detector Simulator Digitizer Simulator Primary Events Detector Constants Run Conditions Primary Events Hits Trajectories Detector Constants Hits Simulated Raw Data Run Conditions
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS8 CHAOS modules zCHAOS is divided into three parts of levent-generation, ldetector simulation, ldigitization. yThese three parts are independent; each part can be executed as an independent process and data is transferred between these parts via object database. zCHAOS can visualize detector and simulation results. zCHAOS provides interface to histogramming package(s).
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS9 Category structure of CHAOS detector simulator management Detector Construction GUI visualization Detector Description Primary Generator eventHandling material Particles +processes hits tracking Sensitive Detector
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS10 Categories in CHAOS detector simulator (1) zManagement yInterface to ARVE / ODBMS yInitialization yControl G4 run and event management zParticles and processes yRegister particles yRegister physics processes ySet cutoff parameters
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS11 Categories in CHAOS detector simulator (2) zEvent handling yEvent filtering yStatistics sampling yEvent Overlap zPrimary generator yInput primaries xinterface to “event generator” such as PYTHIA ySingle particle shooting (for debugging etc.) zTracking yTrack filtering yStatistics sampling yTrajectory generation
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS12 Categories in CHAOS detector simulator (3) zDetector construction yConstruct Geant4 geometrical objects x“Real” geometry x“Readout” geometry yDefine envelop(s) of each detector component xEnvelops will be provided with help of engineering group by using CAD to Genat4 geometry converter (STEP reader) yThis category might have many sub-categories corresponding to individual detector components ¢Need helps of detector group zMaterial yDefine materials
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS13 Categories in CHAOS detector simulator (4) zSensitive detector yDefine sensitivity of each detector component zHits yHit class(es) of each detector component zDetector description yInterface to DDDB ¢Need helps of database group zVisualization zGUI
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS14 Milestones zEnd of Jan. ‘99 yFirst release of a prototype of the framework ySome “examples” with Si / TileCal / Muon xFor detector people to start with them zFeb. ‘99 : the next Atlas week yGeant4 tutorial yThe next Atlas OO Simulation Group Meeting ySome detector component envelopes
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS15 Milestones zMay ‘99 yInterface to detector description data base yComparison with beam test xdemonstrate correctness and feasibility of Geant4 zJuly ‘99 yFirst internal version of full ATLAS geometry yFirst internal version of all SensitiveDetectors zDec. ‘99 yComparison with G3(DICE) yFirst public alpha-release
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS16 Requests to other Comp. groups zRequests to Database Group yIdentify the “provider” to each group of persistent capable classes yMake a framework to share the schema within ATLAS OO Software zRequests to Detector Description Domain yProvide us detector descriptions
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS17 Requests to other groups zRequests to Physics Group yRequirements from physics group to us zRequests to Detector Groups yRequirements from each detector group yNominate liaison and actual worker(s) (by 31/Jan/99)
9 Dec. 1998Atlas Software WS18 Summary zCHAOS project starts to develop Geant4-based simulators for Atlas detector zFirst release of a prototype of the framework will be coming up by the end of Jan. ‘99 zFirst draft of URD for CHAOS is ready ysee yYour requirements and comment to CHAOS are welcome