U.S. IOOS ® Update – SECOORA Annual Meeting Jack Harlan & Rob Ragsdale US IOOS Program Office
U.S. IOOS: Program Overview Enables Decision making and Science WHO WHAT Observation Data Management Modeling & Analysis Research & Development Education WHY: 7 Societal Goals, 1 System Predictions of climate change and weather Safety and efficiency of maritime operations Forecasts of natural hazards Improve homeland security Minimize public health risks Protect and restore healthy coastal ecosystems Sustain living marine resources WHERE Global Coastal (EEZ to tidal waters)
IOOS Program in FY2013 Support Regional Component Strengthen National Component Advance DMAC Regional POCs ICOOS Act Reauthorization 2013 Report to Congress Certification Outcome Metrics OA Interagency Partnerships Communications SOS Reference Implementation National Glider Network Modeling Plan HFR Animal Telemetry Network BDP Reference Implementation Plan EPA IOOS RA Beach Water Quality National Water Quality Monitoring The “catalog” v3.0 QARTOD Non-Federal Asset Inventory Post-Summit Actions IOOS Advisory Committee Grants Planning Out-year Budgeting IOOC US GEO
Funding – FY13 Overview Regional Observing Systems –$104K increase for each RA –Continued support for HF radar O&M –National funds for priority projects Alliance for Coastal Technologies –Sensor Evaluation U.S. IOOS Coastal Ocean Modeling Testbed –Continuing efforts to advance research to operations Marine Sensor Innovation –Ocean Acidification: support for West Coast Shellfish Industry –Transition to Operations: Environmental Sample Processor
IOOS Summit 2012: A New Vision for IOOS Draft Summit report available IOOC Meeting on 30 May will be the first attempt at prioritizing all summit recommendations. A New Decade for an Integrated and Sustained Ocean Observing System SUMMIT 2012 November 13-16, 2012 Hyatt Dulles | Herndon, VA Show your support by signing the Summit Declaration:
IOOS Advisory Committee For more information: Draft IOOS Vision Framing the Vision for the IOOS Business Model Early Efforts
Joint Planning – A new way of business
DMAC is NOW! Google Crisis Map during superstorm Sandy using a simple kml data feed from SECOORA. SECOORA published all their data in that feed including CO-OPS/NDBC etc
Asset Map Workshop 2012 Strategy Website Plan Development –Steering Team –Data Team Glider DAC National Glider Network Plan Fig: Developed by D. Rudnick. Display of all glider missions provided since Shows strong coastal coverage.
Modeling Strategy National/Regional Effort Beginning the Conversation on Approach Rouying He selected for the Steering Team Each Region Faces Somewhat Unique Issues ice forecasts optimal ship routing tool PW C Instrumen ted lobster trap BS OP Wave glider beach closures HAB forecasting storm surge Hurricane forecasts Sea level rise
IOOS Supporting NOAA Programs NWS (IOOS and NWS funds) – HF radar data into AWIPS –Operational beta testing begins 10/04/13 –National deployment begins 10/31/13 –HF radar data into NCEP data tanks –Complete 5/31/13
US Animal Telemetry Network Focused on data management Biological definitions and metadata for both satellite tags and acoustic tags Info: ATN existing receivers deployment (missing GOM data) (Acoustic receivers, 95% Vemco VR2, VR2W, VR3, VR3UWM) Source: Dewayne Fox
A Clear View of Tomorrow US IOOS works! US IOOS enables decision making and underpins scientific advances A Partnership for Lives and Livelihood U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)
Thank You Please Visit the U.S. IOOS Website IOOS.NOAA.GOV