The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China).
Head of the State is the President, who is elected every four years.
Independence Day
The American flag (the Stars and Stripes)
New states joined the union and the flag changed 26 times. The 2 newest states are Alaska Hawaii
50 white stars represent the number of states in the whole of the union. 13 stripes represent the 13 states that signed the Declaration of Independence.
The biggest state in the USA is Alaska.
The largest cities of the USA are:
New York
Los Angeles
... and many others.... and many others.
Washington DC (District of Columbia) is the capital of the country and the seat of the government. It isn’t the largest city. The President lives in the White House.
New York is the biggest city.
Manhattan is a part of New York It is an island of skyscrapers.
One of the famous symbols of the USA is the Statue of Liberty.
The Statue of Liberty of Liberty is a symbol of freedom.
Boston is the oldest city of the USA.
Los Angeles In Hollywood American films are made. Wonderful fairy land called Disneyland
Giant redwood trees in the USA
The rocks in the Grand Canyon are very beautiful.
TEST 1 The American flag is called: A) Union Jack B) Stars and Stripes C) Tricolor
TEST 2 How many states are there in the USA? A) 51 B) 50 C) 52
TEST The biggest state in the USA is: A) Texas B) Hawaii C) Alaska
TEST 3 The capital of the USA is: A) Los Angeles B) New York C) Washington
TEST 4 The biggest city of the USA is: A) Washington B) New York C) Boston
TEST 4 The oldest city of the USA is: A) Washington B) Orlando C) Boston
TEST 5 The White House is situated in: A) Boston B) Washington C) Los Angeles
TEST 6 The Independence Day is celebrated on: A) July 4 B) November 24 C) December 25
TEST 7 The Statue of Liberty is situated in: A) Florida B) New York C) Washington
TEST 8 Disneyland and Hollywood are situated in: A) Boston B) Washington C) Los Angeles
TEST 9 Mount Rushmore is famous: A) because it is small B) because it is big C) for the sculpture of four American presidents
TEST 10 The United States of America is the … largest country in the world : A) fourth B) second C) tenth