Delayed Spatial Alternation
Delayed Spatial Alternation
Neural recording Male Wistar rats 14-tetrode hyperdrive Single units and LFP Right CA1 area (AP -3.6, ML 2.2 mm)
Delayed Spatial Alternation
From rate coding Fixation-specific firing Not movement-related, not sensory A more complex, abstract code Sequence-dependent in the spatial alternation task
Relating spikes to theta oscillation...
Theta phase shift Single trial examples Blue line = LFP trace (6-10 Hz filtered) Red circles = spikes Gray zone = the fixation period
Population trend of phase shift during fixation First: Spikes at theta peak Then: Spikes at theta trough
What about gamma oscillation?
The gamma shift is also anchored on the theta oscillation: First: high gamma at theta peak Then: Low gamma at theta trough
Shifts of information processing From external to internal mode, From high gamma to low gamma, From theta peak to theta trough