“I can’t stand a naked light anymore than a rude remark or vulgar action.” “I don’t want realism, I want magic… I don't tell truths. I tell what ought to be truth” Blanche cannot deal with the reality that she has lost everything deeper and deeper into her alternative reality.
Tennessee Williams uses costume to accentuate Blanche’s delusions and her inability to deal with reality rhinestone tiara and fox fur scarves
At the beginning of the play she is a normal women come to visit her sister. Eventually an event (Stanley raping her) tips the balance which pushes her fully into her fantasy. I am sure many of us can relate to this especially with the stress we are under from school and the prospect of being adults we escape this reality by forming excuses.
“her first attempt showed her that imagination itself was a source of secrets: once she had begun a story, no could be told.” she is too naïve to understand. Light is also a metaphor in Atonement for the truth raped she is in pitch black
she allows her imagination to form realities that she can understand. Briony witnesses the ensuing moment of sexual tension from an upstairs bedroom and is confused as to its meaning. she is still very much a child and is too naïve to understand what she has witnessed.
Ian McEwan uses the setting to accentuate Briony’s imagination creating alternative realities that she can understand as opposed to what actually is happening. For example how many of us either had an imaginary friend or pretended to be something we weren’t a pirate or a princess to name a few examples?
theme of imagination verse reality portrayed. different techniques to accentuate the theme.