Tom Rebold Engineering Monterey Peninsula College Find Out Here at MPC!
What is Engineering? Why is Engineering a Good Career Choice? Are You an Engineer?
Everyday Life Math and Science Engineering
Everyday Life Math and Science Engineering
Everyday Life Math and Science Engineering
Everyday Life Math and Science Engineering
Everyday Life Math and Science Engineering
Roads and bridges Water source and treatment plants City planning
Engines and motors Heating and air conditioning Micro-electro mechanical systems (airbag accelerometers)
Computer Chips Electricity Distribution (“PG&E”) Cell phones (communications) Speech Recognition Satellite Radar Imaging “Matlab”
Aerospace Biomedical Chemical Environmental Geotechnical Materials Nuclear Petroleum Etc, etc, etc
Why is Engineering a Good Career Choice? Engineering offers…
Challenging Jobs "I love proving others wrong."
Lasting and Tangible Products “I get paid to break things”
"I wanted an opportunity to put something in people's hands that could affect their lives and maybe make them safer“ -- Aimee Rose Humanitarian of the Year Help to Humankind
Engineering is Fun! "It's amazing what a few hundred more amps can do!“ J.B. Straubel Innovator of the year
Are You an Engineer?
Able to visualize 3D Objects Analytical Reasoning Mathematics Memory for Design ◦ Check out the MPC Engineering Aptitude Test
Engineering at MPC
“I like being able to finish the first two years of my degree right here at home” MPC’s Engineering Transfer Program
“”The classes are small so I get a lot of help from the instructors” Average size of University calculus lecture: 300 Average size of MPC calculus class: 20
YOU: maintain a qualifying GPA while at MPC THEY: grant early admission when you are ready to transfer THEY are: UC Davis, UCSC (all UC’s except Berkeley, UCLA), San Jose State…and more
To transfer out at Junior status, you need to complete PLUS Chemistry, English, ENGR 2, 17… Don’t do IGETC!!!! Many schools discourage/reject See Susan Walter in Counseling or Tom Rebold for more information
MPC students can get a jump start into Engineering by taking these Fall ’09 Entry classes ◦ ENGR 1 Introduction to Engineering ◦ ENGR 50 Robotics Or the following mid-level Spring ’09 Entry Classes ◦ ENGR 2 Engineering Graphics (AutoCAD) ◦ ENGR 17 Technical Computing with Matlab
ENGR 17 Technical Computing with MATLAB SPRING ONLY Tue/Thur 4-6 pm (3 units) Learn one of the most powerful software tools in engineering before you transfer. MATLAB programming, technical problem solving, and techniques in processing and plotting of data. An essential tool for scientific and engineering visualization. Pre-requisite: MATH 20A
The Possibilities are Endless! For more information,