Visual Media in the World Language Classroom By: Paula Kerr.


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Presentation transcript:

Visual Media in the World Language Classroom By: Paula Kerr

Table of Contents Introduction Introduction -educational devices -What is visual media (VM)? Review of the Literature Review of the Literature -planned steps -student expectations -student preparation -presenting culture

Table of Contents …. (continued) Advantages of Integrating VM in the World Langauge (WL) Classroom Advantages of Integrating VM in the World Langauge (WL) Classroom Integrating VM in the WL Classroom Ineffectively Integrating VM in the WL Classroom Ineffectively Implementation Implementation Discussion Discussion References References

Introduction Educational devices for WL educators: Educational devices for WL educators: -effective textbooks -workbooks -software programs -hardware programs -immersion programs

Introduction VM in the WL classroom as an education device… VM in the WL classroom as an education device… VM is defined as any form of visual information, including movies, television, radio, print, Internet, DVDs, videotapes, and other pre- recorded materials (, 2006, ¶ 3). VM is defined as any form of visual information, including movies, television, radio, print, Internet, DVDs, videotapes, and other pre- recorded materials (, 2006, ¶ 3).

Review of the Literature planned step #1: planned step #1: -students need to be told his/her expectations Students are not expected to know/understand everything in an authentic form of VM. Students are not expected to know/understand everything in an authentic form of VM.

Review of the Literature Often, when students are confronted with the target language from the mouths of native speakers, they find themselves overwhelmed and unable to comprehend or respond in suitable fashion. Simple conversation as well as protracted media speech strike fear in beginning and advanced learners alike (Bravo, 1991, p.199). Often, when students are confronted with the target language from the mouths of native speakers, they find themselves overwhelmed and unable to comprehend or respond in suitable fashion. Simple conversation as well as protracted media speech strike fear in beginning and advanced learners alike (Bravo, 1991, p.199).

Review of the Literature Planned step #2: Planned step #2: -Student preparation: -studying specific vocabulary -be aware of setting -be aware of purpose behind visual media

Review of the Literature Presenting Culture through VM Presenting Culture through VM According to Moran, language and culture are inseparable in the WL classroom (Moran, 2001). According to Moran, language and culture are inseparable in the WL classroom (Moran, 2001).

Review of the Literature Cultural aspects covered in VM material Cultural aspects covered in VM material-grammar-vocabulary -authenticy of the language instructional materials

Review of the Literature I want to emphasize that culture learning, whether it occurs in a foreign language or second language context, inside or outside the classroom, with or without teachers, through books or through people, is best seen as a lived experience, as a personal encounter with another way of life (Moran, 2001, p. 176). I want to emphasize that culture learning, whether it occurs in a foreign language or second language context, inside or outside the classroom, with or without teachers, through books or through people, is best seen as a lived experience, as a personal encounter with another way of life (Moran, 2001, p. 176).

Advantages of Integrating VM in the WL Classroom Students enjoy it!! Students enjoy it!! Multiple experiences…(relevance) Multiple experiences…(relevance) Motivation!! Motivation!! Engaging!! Engaging!! Instruction time does not always have to be teacher-led and student followed Instruction time does not always have to be teacher-led and student followed

Advantages …(continued) Good way of practicing: Good way of practicing: listening comprehension skills listening comprehension skills pronunciation pronunciation Vocabulary Vocabulary Students will sometimes pay closer attention to movies or DVDs than the instructor.

Advantages …(continued) …the increased motivation displayed in class spills over to the outside world. Some members of the group may become regular viewers of Spanish language movies and television during leisure time, others will simply become convinced that they can understand the target language when spoken…(Bravo, 1991, p.201). …the increased motivation displayed in class spills over to the outside world. Some members of the group may become regular viewers of Spanish language movies and television during leisure time, others will simply become convinced that they can understand the target language when spoken…(Bravo, 1991, p.201).

Integrating VM in the WL Classroom Ineffectively Effectiveness depends on instructor Effectiveness depends on instructor HAS to be direct follow-up by instructor HAS to be direct follow-up by instructor NEVER take the place of an instructor NEVER take the place of an instructor used as a TOOL to AID in instruction used as a TOOL to AID in instruction selection process review AHEAD of time selection process review AHEAD of time cultural and age factors cultural and age factors

Implementation plethora of VM for Spanish teachers plethora of VM for Spanish teachers films in Spanish films in Spanish TV broadcasts in Spanish TV broadcasts in Spanish Selection process must be precise Selection process must be precise

Implementation VM in the WL classroom takes a lot of preparation and planning VM in the WL classroom takes a lot of preparation and planning Students will want to learn if the topic presented is motivating and exhilarating Students will want to learn if the topic presented is motivating and exhilarating

Discussion passing on enthusiasm by presenting a topic in multiple ways passing on enthusiasm by presenting a topic in multiple ways VM on a regular basis is VERY effective VM on a regular basis is VERY effective There is no specific material that is taught best through VM There is no specific material that is taught best through VM Teacher and student benefit from VM Teacher and student benefit from VM More focus on using VM in classroom More focus on using VM in classroom

References, (2006). Retrieved October 18, 2006, from 18, 2006, from Bafumo, M. E. (2004). Adding the arts. Teaching PreK-8, 6, 8. 6, 8. Berry-Bravo, J. (1991). Tuning in to live Spanish language broadcasts. Hispania, 74, broadcasts. Hispania, 74, Louw, S. (2006). Using movies in the classroom. Retrieved October 18, 2006, from Retrieved October 18, 2006, from Movies-in-the-Classroom.html Movies-in-the-Classroom.html

References …(continued) Moran, P.A. (2001). Teaching culture: Perspectives in practice. Teaching English as a Second or a Foreign practice. Teaching English as a Second or a Foreign Language, 6, Language, 6, Rose, K. R. (2001). Compliments and compliment responses in film: Implications for pragmatics research responses in film: Implications for pragmatics research and language teaching. IRAL, 39, and language teaching. IRAL, 39, Schuh, K. L. (2004). Students’ spontaneous use of information from media sources: What and how do information from media sources: What and how do they link? International Journal of Instructional Media, they link? International Journal of Instructional Media, 31, ,

References …(continued) Wilson, R.D. (2004). Documentaries for the classroom. Teacher Librarian, 32, 48. Teacher Librarian, 32, 48.